Our dear Lord Jesus Himself said in Matthew 22:39 that we shall see Him no more until we say "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" For indeed how important that we come and do all things in the Name of the Lord. King David knew that the Name of the God of Jacob would defend him, the Name of God was a Banner to him and that he did not trust in chariots  nor horses, BUT, he just remembered the Name of the Lord (Psalm 20:1,5,7). Let us then, know our God more intimately, know His Name, know that He is ELOHIM, Mighty Creator; EL ROI, the God who sees us; YAHWEH TSEBAOTH, the Lord of Hosts; YAHWEH TSURI, the Lord my Rock; YAHWEH ROI, the Lord is my Shepherd; YAHWEH TSIDQENU, the Lord our Righteousness; EL ELYON, God Most High etc. He wants to show His Power in us and that His Name be declared in all the earth. Read Exodus 9:16. https://twitter.com/EstherOngHC


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