Day 335: Psalm 129, Proverbs 18:10-12, Luke 24, Ezekiel 42,43

The concluding chapters of the prophetic book of Ezekiel are about th literal building to be constructed by a truly repentant and restored nation of Israel, and in which they will worship the Lord by offering and sacrifice BUT purely as a commemorative purpose just as what the church is doing today to partake the bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus' past work (1 Cor. 11:23-26). In today's New Testament's reading in Luke 24:33-35, the 2 disciples' eyes were "opened"  at the point when Jesus broke the bread with them. All these show the importance of traditions. Billy Graham has 10 Christmas traditions that he observed and one of which is to ensure the manger scene is an integral part of his Christmas decoration. This year, our family started a tradition whereby we will just stay at home on Christmas day and even till the New Year for guests to come. We did our usual ONE big Christmas dinner but hard to catch up with so many friends. We started yesterday and we love it as we can concentrate to catch up on one family at a time. Start a tradition today for God's sake. (please click to view a visual)


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