Day 333: Psalm 127, Proverbs 18:4-6, Luke 22, Ezekiel 38-39
The Penalty For Our Sins: PAID IN FULL
In Ezekiel 39:23-25, we read of how God dealt with the people of Israel, His chosen people. They went into captivity for their iniquity because they were unfaithful to Him. Hence, God hid His face from them and gave them into the hand of their enemies and they all fell by the sword. According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions God had dealt with them. This shows our God is a just Judge. Surely, we want a judge who is impartial and pass a verdict without fear or favour. On the other hand, we want a judge who exercise mercy. This was exactly happened in Ezekiel verse 25 that God had mercy on the whole house of Israel and brought the captives back. We saw God demonstrated this on the Cross. We all have sins and hence warranted to be punished. God,being just MUST handed down the penalty/punishment. Out of His mercy, He provided a sacrifice to bear that punishment. And the Sacrifice is none other than our dear Lord Jesus Who died on the cruel Cross to bear the punishment on our behalf. Today, accept that goodwill so that your penalty is paid and move on to live holy lives showing your gratitude to Jesus for eternity. (please click this link to twitter to view a visual).
The Penalty For Our Sins: PAID IN FULL
In Ezekiel 39:23-25, we read of how God dealt with the people of Israel, His chosen people. They went into captivity for their iniquity because they were unfaithful to Him. Hence, God hid His face from them and gave them into the hand of their enemies and they all fell by the sword. According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions God had dealt with them. This shows our God is a just Judge. Surely, we want a judge who is impartial and pass a verdict without fear or favour. On the other hand, we want a judge who exercise mercy. This was exactly happened in Ezekiel verse 25 that God had mercy on the whole house of Israel and brought the captives back. We saw God demonstrated this on the Cross. We all have sins and hence warranted to be punished. God,being just MUST handed down the penalty/punishment. Out of His mercy, He provided a sacrifice to bear that punishment. And the Sacrifice is none other than our dear Lord Jesus Who died on the cruel Cross to bear the punishment on our behalf. Today, accept that goodwill so that your penalty is paid and move on to live holy lives showing your gratitude to Jesus for eternity. (please click this link to twitter to view a visual).
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