Day 330: Psalm 124, Proverbs 17:22-24, Luke 19, Ezekiel 32-33

Do Our Duty Well

Yesterday, we note that it is important to spread the true meaning of Christmas far and wide. Today, in Ezekiel 33:.2-4, we can see that God makes the watchman liable if he fails to do his duty to warn the people of the impending judgment if he trusts in his own righteousness and commits iniquity. None of his righteous works shall be remembered but because of the iniquity that he has committed, he shall die (v13). We know that as Christians, we are watchmen and watch women. Let us take heed and carry out our duty well for we surely look forward to God's best compliment of all that is "Well done, you good and faithful servant.." (Matthew 25:21). What better time to do this duty of sounding the warning trumpet during Christmas to share the urgency of the Gospel. (please click this link to Twitter to view a visual)


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