We go to work almost daily and spend at least 8 hours a day in the office. Hence, office or better known as marketplace, is the best ministry place for us to serve God. Apostle Paul in Acts 17:17, reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there. Of Jesus’ 132 public appearances in the New Testament, 122 were in the marketplace, of 52 parables Jesus told, 45 had a workplace context and of 40 divine interventions recorded in Acts, 39 were in the marketplace. Oswald Chambers once said “The spiritual manifests itself in a life which knows no division into sacred and secular.” Let our prayer be this, "Dear Lord, please bring to me daily people whom You want me to reach out to. In Your precious Name. Amen." https://twitter.com/EstherOngHC
Day 190 - Enjoy God! Read Psalm 148; Proverbs 7:4-6; Revelation 9; 2 Samuel 21-22 2 Samuel 22 v30 - By God, I can run against a troop and by my God, I can leap over a wall v33 - God is my strength and power! He makes my way perfect! Reading the above verses warmed my heart as I recalled the sweet victory I had as I trusted God when He assured me exactly with the above verses way back in 1994 when I did my Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP). It was the first day of exam and my Quiet Time for that day turned out to be reading the above verses. What a joy! What an assurance! I knew by God and with God, I could leap over CLP examination and would cross over the challenge and would pass to do my chambering. True enough, I passed and started my chambering in 1995. All glory to God! Hence, how important for us to keep reading God's Words as our loving Heavenly Father is so eager to speak and communicate with us. Please do run to Him, embrace and enjoy the sweet communion and taste...
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