Day 306: Psalm 119:17-24, Proverbs 15:16-18, Mark 12, Jeremiah 41-42

Jealously Guard Unity!

Yesterday, when a client came and asked me to draft a settlement agreement, it was a usual course of business. However, when I was subsequently given the particulars of the parties, I was shock to know that all of them were siblings. My client was willing to pay a substantial amount as a settlement to avoid the dispute to be brought to court. On one hand, I felt bad that he had to pay so much money, on the other hand, I praised him for the sacrifice he made just to ensure peace in the family. How true today's proverbs that say, "Better is a little with the fear of the Lord , Than great treasure with trouble. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, Than a fatted calf with hatred." In fact, Jesus prayed for His disciples that they all may be one... that the world may believe that Our Heavenly Father sent Jesus....and have loved them as the Father have loved Jesus. (John 17:21-23). Unity and peace is such an important asset. Jealously guard it! (please click this link to the twitter to view a visual)


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