Day 298: Psalm 113, Proverbs 14:28-30, Mark 4, Jeremiah 25-26

Let Us Bear Fruit

Yesterday, God has reminded us to be God-fearing people. In fact, Psalm 145:19 says that God will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him and He also will hear their cry and save them. In today's reading in Mark 4, the Parable of the Sower states that the seeds that are sown on good ground are those who hear the word, accept it, and BEAR FRUIT up to thirtyfold or sixty or some a hundredfold. The subsequent parables which are Parable of the Growing Seeds and Mustard Seeds have the similarity of expecting the seeds to grow into respectively,  ripen grains and trees with branches that can give shade to birds. Henceforth, as God-fearing people, let us heed God's command to BEAR FRUIT by sharing to others and doing our parts to see growth in the lives of others.


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