Yesterday, I shared on the need for us to prepare ourselves to ensure that we are not like the chaff to be burned with unquenchable fire. One way is to recognise that we have Jesus not only as our Saviour but our Lord of our lives. In just 1 chapter of Leviticus 19, the phrase "I am the Lord" or "I am the Lord your God" appeared 16 times. It is as if God is reminding us twice a day for 7 days with an extra 2 more reminders! If we do not realise and recognise that our God is our Master and Lord Whom we are accountable to DAILY, we tend to do or speak or behave as if we have no one to account to or do what seems right in our own eyes (Proverbs 21:2) or will not cease from own stubborn doings (Judges 2:19). Beware and take to heart that Jesus is our Lord! He is our Adonai!
Yesterday, I shared on the need for us to prepare ourselves to ensure that we are not like the chaff to be burned with unquenchable fire. One way is to recognise that we have Jesus not only as our Saviour but our Lord of our lives. In just 1 chapter of Leviticus 19, the phrase "I am the Lord" or "I am the Lord your God" appeared 16 times. It is as if God is reminding us twice a day for 7 days with an extra 2 more reminders! If we do not realise and recognise that our God is our Master and Lord Whom we are accountable to DAILY, we tend to do or speak or behave as if we have no one to account to or do what seems right in our own eyes (Proverbs 21:2) or will not cease from own stubborn doings (Judges 2:19). Beware and take to heart that Jesus is our Lord! He is our Adonai!
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