It is by the grace of God that we have been chosen to understand and to know the mystery of the kingdom of God as there are outside the kingdom of God who seeing but may not perceive and hearing but not understand (Mark 4:11-12). How then we must guard these knowledge that has been graciously granted to us. There are 4 questions we have to ask ourselves with the seeds that were sown to us. 1st, do we let satan to have a foothold in our lives by allowing worldly perceptions, worldly principles or worldly music to infiltrate our minds? (Mark 4v15). 2ndly, do we allow no roots to grow by not going deep into the Word of God (v17). 3rdly, do we allow the worldly desires causing us not to bear fruit at all for the Kingdom's sake (v19). Or should we immediately go and bear fruits irrespective of whether we have the ability or not. God honours our availabiliy. I thank God the minute I became a believer which was 28 years ago, I have served God up until now, bearing fruits for Him and I guess this is the secret that God still sustains me. All glory to Him!


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