Day 256: Psalm 71, Proverbs 10:16-18, Revelations 12,  Isaiah 7-8

Be Ready for Rapture

Many a times we come across people who do not want to know the sign and season for things to come. But, in today's reading, God Himself asked King Ahaz to request for a sign from the Lord and this king still refused. The Lord Himself gave a sign that a virgin would conceive and bear a Son. This sign remained the most important indicator that Jesus is our Messiah. How about now? Bible gave us many signs of End times and one of which is found in Joel 2:30-31, “And I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the earth: ..the sun shall be turned into darkness, the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord". A total lunar eclipse will spawn a rare and dramatic 'supermoon' blood moon on Sept. 27, 2015.Supermoons occur when the moon reaches its full phase at or near the satellite's closest approach to Earth, and appears abnormally large and bright as a result ( I don't know about you but I will definitely take precaution to be ready for Rapture - just in case the interpretation of the Bible is true that Rapture occurs before the Great Tribulation.


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