Day 98: Be Understanding and Be Contended
Read: Psalm 79, Proverbs 28:15-17, Galatians 6, Leviticus 19-20
Proverbs 28
16 A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor,
But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.
The above-stated verse spells out 2 main essentials as leaders. Leaders who do not understand their subordinates are akin to great oppressors. This is a serious allegation but it shows the importance of stooping down to the level of every subordinate whom the leaders are taking care of, to understand and to listen to them. Leaders need to put themselves in the shoes of their subordinates. The second element of leadership is contentment which is the opposite of covetousness. Leaders who are not contended will naturally, at times without even knowing it themselves, that they will use their power and position to obtain advantages and benefits. Yes, Lord, please forgive us for being not understanding at times. O Lord, please guard our hearts which is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. (Jeremiah 17:9) that we, leaders do not abuse the powers and authorities that You have given but let us always be contended and be thankful in all circumstances. O Lord, help us to be understanding and discerning at all times. Yes, Lord, have mercy on us and please empower us to be obedient. Amen. #devotion #leadership #understanding #contentment #prayers
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