Day 294: Psalm 109, Proverbs 14:16-18, Matthew 28, Jeremiah 17-18

Be the Clay God Intended

The potter and the clay's story is commonly told as if God, being the Potter has the absolute power to do as He pleases and we, being the clay are as if fated to the intention of the Potter. If we read carefully, the potter is actually forming the shape of the pots depending whether the clay would take the shape initially planned for it. Only if the clay would NOT take the shape the potter wanted, the potter would change his mind and form it into some other shape. In fact, the Lord further explained in verses 5-11 that if the nation turned from its evil, He would change His mind to shatter the nation. The contrary is the same i.e. if He promised to make a strong nation but its people start disobeying HIm and doing evil, God would change His mind. Let us pray, "O, Lord, we know it is not easy for You to work with stiff clay. Help us to trust and obey You more so that You can perfectly mold us according to Your plan. Amen."


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