Day 271: Psalm 86, Proverbs 11:28-31, Matthew 5, Isaiah 37-38

Know Him More To Trust Him More

It is good to know of someone who knows us well enough to vouch for our characters. When one can say, "I know Esther very well and I absolutely know for sure she will do it", it shows the level of faith and trust of the person in me. Similarly, we need to know God that well to have the deep level of faith and trust in Him. In Isaiah 37:16-20, we see how King Hezekiah knew God so well that when he prayed, he knew God would heal him. His relationship with God was so close that he intimately and openly spoke his heart out to God and spoke of all the good he had done for God's sake. God not only healed him but gave him a sign that had a lasting effect of the missing 40 minutes as God had caused the sun to move 10° backwards. (This 40 minutes exactly accounted for the 1 missing day when the sun stood still in the sky for 23 hours and 20 minutes for Joshua in Joshua 10:12-14.) This is our God - He longs to know us and be known by us. To trust Him more, know Him more! To know Him more, read His Word more for not even the smallest letter nor the least stroke of a pen will by any means disappear from the Law, His Word (Matthew 5:18).


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