Day 31: Psalm 11, Proverbs 21:22-24, Acts 11, Nahum 1-2
Consider Jesus Now
The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.
Nahum 1:7 NKJV
On Day 30, I ended by urging pre-believers to trust God. Today, we have the assurance that God knows those who trust in Him. This is truly good news. We have the King of kings and the Lord of lords KNOWING us! Our Lord is good and He is a stronghold in the days of trouble. With such a good God, why people still do not want to trust in Jesus? I can think of 3 possible reasons: (1) People are not ready to meet a holy God. (2) People take God for granted by thinking they still have the time to repent at the later part of their lives. (3) People are just don't bother what will happen after death. For the aforesaid questions, I humbly propose the replies respectively: (1) We must realise that we cannot escape the Judgment of God and hence it is better to prepare ourselves now and be safe rather than be sorry later. (2) Life is fragile - we need to handle with care and hence we do not know what will happen even later. (3) People may be happy to be an atheist during their life times but if we were to inform them that once they die as an atheist, there will be no prayers but just to bury their bodies, they would not want this kind of "funeral". Hence, to all my dear friends, do ponder about lives and consider Jesus! I personally took 6 months before I committed myself to Jesus and once I believe there is no turning back and I wish I have known Him earlier! (please click to view a visual)
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