When you put yourself in God's hands, you are in a place where great things can be accomplished in your life.  Stuart Hamblen was in Los Angeles at the time of Billy Graham's crusade. Liquor had come to dominate his life but after several visits to the crusade meetings, he was converted and lost his appetite for alcohol. A friend asked: "Have you not wanted one drink?" Hamblen replied, "No, John, it's no secret what God can do." His friend knowing Hamblen's interest in music, said, "Stuart, you ought to write a song about that." So, Stuart wrote this song: "It is no secret what God can do. What He's done for others, He'll do for you, With arms wide open, He'll pardon you, It is no secret what God can do." So, go and tell what God has done for you! Don't keep it a secret. Read Acts 20.


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