Day 177 - God Is Love
Read: Psalm 135; Proverbs 5:19-21; 1 John 4; 1 Samuel 26-27
1 John 4 elaborates on the fact that we ought to love one another if we proclaim that we love God. In fact, there is a progression.
1st, if we love one another, we are born of God.
2nd, we know God.
3rd, God lives in us.
4th, His love is made complete in us.
5th, we live in God.
6th, we will have confidence on the day of Judgment and
7th, we will have no fear as perfect love drives out fear.
Wow! What an amazing journey of rewards if we just obey God to love one another as He has not only first loved us but has shown in action of His great love for us that He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. He sent His Son to DIE for us as an atoning sacrifice for our sins so that we might LIVE. What are we to wait for? Accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour so that we not only live but live to love so that His love is made complete in us that we will have confidence when we meet Him face to face and have no fear but to embrace Him for His love has made complete in us. Go to church today and find out how. #devotion #GodIsLove #JesusSaves #JesusIsLord


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