Day 165 - Be Holy For God is Holy

Read: Psalm 123; Proverbs 4:10-12; James 5; 1 Samuel 2-3

! Samuel 2:30 Whoever honour Me, I will honour and whoever dishonour Me, will be disdained.

Majority of us know God as God of love. He will always forgive and full of compassion. Whilst this is perfectly true, we need to know God better and deeper. Hence, the need to spend time with Him listening to Him and reading His Words.  In Chapter 3, verses 27-36, God announced curses on Eli and his descendants, "..I will cut short your that NO one in it will reach old one in your family line will ever reach old age...all your descendants will die in the prime of life." Huh! This is serious stuff! Do we know this side of God? That He is holy and righteous? That He will not tolerate sins to be continually practised in His holy presence? In Hebrews 10:26, it is also clearly stated that, "if we deliberately keep on sining after we have received the knowledge of truth, NO sacrifice for sins is left." J.C. Ryle said this, "I cannot see how any man deserves to be called “holy,” who wilfully allows himself in sins, and is not humbled and ashamed because of them." Let us take comfort in God's Own Words in 1 Samuel 2:30 that He will honour us when we honour Him. As long as we check our hearts, minds, thoughts and deeds that whatever that we do, say and act are to honour Him, He will honour us BUT if we deliberately doing otherwise, He too will dishonour us and it is NOT worth our while to go against the Lord of lords and the King of kings. "The Lord is a God Who knows and by Him deeds are weighed." (1 Samuel 2:3) #devotion #holiness #GodIsHoly #GodIsLove #knowGod


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