We heard of how Emperor Qin Shi Huang from China who built the Great Wall of China looked for an elixir of immortality to have everlasting life so that he would not die. Of course, we knew it was impossible - he could not even celebrate his 50th birthday as he died at the age of 49 years old. However, Jesus promised that He, being the Bread of Life, would enable people to live forever if they eat of this Bread and the Bread that He will give is His flesh. This is exactly why our dear Lord Jesus had to die on the cross - His body needed to be broken to give us eternal and everlasting life and His blood needed to be shed to wash our sins and iniquities away. Let us ponder on this as we prepare ourselves to celebrate Easter, a very important event in the Christian calendar that MUST not be missed! Read John 6:47-48, 50 - 51. https://twitter.com/EstherOngHC


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