
Showing posts from March, 2015
When someone says that he or she is humble, this in itself shows pride. Hence, what is humiliy and how to be humble? To be humble is to recognize cheerfully and gratefully that we need nothing and no one else, save and except our dear Lord Jesus. It is an acknowledgment that our all - our ablities, our skills, talents are all from Him. In John 13:3-5, Jesus, KNOWING that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, He rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself...and washed His disciples' feet. Just as Jesus, let us KNOW that our beloved Heavenly Father has given us all things needed and we are not lacking anything, henceforth we can stoop low to go and serve. Humility is not a sign of weakness, in fact, it is a sign of strength!
I am not sure about you, but as for me, I have hated this life on earth before and at times, asked God why this life on earth is full of evils, crimes, violence and so on and so forth. I am glad in today's reading of John 12:25, Jesus Himself said "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." Wow! This shows that I am on the right footing - I, who have hated this life in this world shall keep it for eternal life! How? We can get an explanation from Apostle Paul in Acts 20:24 when he said "But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy.." Hence, it means, life in itself shall not be our priority but our priority shall be to FINISH the Race that God has set for us and this will lead us to life everlasting! Dear Lord, keep us faithful till the End! Amen!
Yesterday, I witnessed my son's graduation from a 3-months' residential discipleship training by Presbyterian Discipleship Institute, Malaysia. He was chosen to give a speech before the graduates. He said that throughout the course, he was asked to study Old, New Testament, comparative religions, parables and sat for examinations, shared Christ to strangers, etc. All of which, he said built up his faith. He was glad he made the choice to go even though it meant starting A-levels only in July this year. He said this has served as a solid foundation before he goes to work. I am not just proud of him but utterly and highly delighted, pleased and exuberant as his words echoed the words of King David in Psalm 62:6-7 who also acknowledged God as his rock and his salvation; God as his fortress so that he would not be shaken. His salvation and his honor depend on God ;  God is his mighty rock, his refuge. Let us do something - be it attending a night class in a Bible School, or attend...
Most people, if not everyone want to feel like a "boss". Most of us have the liking to just do anything we wish or we desire without having the need to check with our authority or superior. But, is this a good nature? Not at all! In fact, this will open to abuse. When we think that we do not need to be accountable to anyone, the tendency to flaw will be great. This is exactly what God our Creator does not want us to have. Though He has created each and everyone of us to be unique and special, He wants us to recognise that we have someOne to be accountable, no matter whether we are CEOs or just homemakers. He wants us to depend on Him, just like King David had this to say in Psalms 60:12 when he successfully fought against Mesopotamia and Syria in the Valley of Salt, that "Through God we will do valiantly, For it  is He who shall tread down our enemies." He said "through God..." means He depended on Him. Sir Cliff Richard, an actor and singer once said, ...
When I was reading the Bible to write this devotion early this morning, it was dark outside. I could see how outside was slowly turning from dark to light.  Without light, it would be impossible to have life as we need oxygen and plants need light to produce oxygen. Hence, it is very true when Jesus spoke in John 8:12, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” In nature, we know, without light, there will be no plants and will lead to no form of life. Spiritually, without Light shed by the sacrificial death of Christ on the Cross, we will not be able to have life everlasting. Therefore, let us keep following the Light of the World; never ever depart from Him no matter what!
When King David wrote Psalm 59, he was being watched and spied by King Saul's men to kill him. When one's life, limb and liberty are being threatened, this would be considered as a very, if not the most overwhelming experience in one's life. How King David was able to face this overwhelming challenge? In verse 14, he said in the evening the enemies returned and  growled like a dog and went all around the city looking for him. But, in verses 16-17, he could sing of God's power; sing aloud of His mercy in the morning. He could say, "For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; For God is my defense, My God of mercy." Learn from him - no matter what situations we are in now, JUST PRAISE GOD!
We heard of how Emperor Qin Shi Huang from China who built the Great Wall of China looked for an elixir of immortality to have everlasting life so that he would not die. Of course, we knew it was impossible - he could not even celebrate his 50th birthday as he died at the age of 49 years old. However, Jesus promised that He, being the Bread of Life, would enable people to live forever if they eat of this Bread and the Bread that He will give is His flesh. This is exactly why our dear Lord Jesus had to die on the cross - His body needed to be broken to give us eternal and everlasting life and His blood needed to be shed to wash our sins and iniquities away. Let us ponder on this as we prepare ourselves to celebrate Easter, a very important event in the Christian calendar that MUST not be missed! Read John 6:47-48, 50 - 51.
The long-time favourite hymn of Blessed Assurance, written by Fanny Crosby brings across the wonderful and blessed confirmation on her part that Jesus belonged to her and that she was the heir of salvation and she was purchased by God, born of His Spirit and washed in His blood. She had a foretaste of His glory! How was she so certain? I guess she dwelt and immersed herself in the Word of God as Jesus Himself said in John 5:24 that “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life." Fanny Crosby heard His Word, believed and had such blessed assurance of passing from death to life. Similarly, for us who have heard His Word and believe Him, let us praise God for this Blessed Assurance that we are the heir of His salvation and enjoy the foretaste of heaven in our respective churches today!
In Deuteronomy 4:40, it is stated that those who keep His statutes and His commandments which God had commanded, it would go well with them and with their children after them, and that  their days may be prolonged. The opposite will be true as well. Those who do not keep God's statutes and His commandments, not only it would not go well with him or her BUT their children as well! This is serious as our actions may bring curse to the next generations! As we are sighing about the moral decay nowadays in the X, Y and now Z generations, it could be partly due to the non-compliance of God' statutes and commandments by their previous generations! Let us then take heed of our actions as it affects not only us but our next generations!
Surely, there are experiences of "dryness" before the Lord. We feel that God is so far away and we are not worthy to be near Him. This was exactly what the Israelites felt especially God had made clear that they needed to be in the wilderness until all from that generation passed away due to their unbelief of entering the Promised Land. Nevertheless, at the end of the 40 years, in Deuteronomy 2:7, God actually said, "For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your trudging through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has  been with you; you have lacked nothing.” This is an excellent example of displaying His holiness IN LOVE. Take note that our God is holy - we will have to bear the consequences of our continual disobedience or unbelief BUT at the same time God cares enough to see to it that all our needs are met!
We all know the 1st miracle that Jesus performed was to turn the water into wine. In John 2:8, it is recorded that when Jesus instructed the servants to draw out some of the WATER and to take it to the master of the feast, "... they took it." These 3 little words are important for us to see that without the servants ACTING upon what Jesus told them to do, we may not witness this 1st miracle. Imagine, taking the glasses and serving the master of the feast, knowing that the glasses contained only water. This is sheer obedience. Are you praying for something which God has yet to answer? Have you been obedient to take ACTIONS on what God has clearly instructed you to do? If not, ACT on it today!
Legally, when one is adopted as a child, the child has all the rights, benefits and privileges as the natural child of the family. Most of all, the adopted child has the rights to inherit the estate of the family. What a good news then to know that believers of Christ have been given the right to become children of God not by our will or choice BUT God has chosen us to be His children. As many as received Him and believed in Him, we became His children (John 1:12-13) As said, with this adoption, we SHALL obtain His inheritance and God has even sent His Holy Spirit as a seal to guarantee our inheritance! (Ephesians 1:11-14) What more shall we say? What more shall we do? Save and except to stand in awe and adoration and to bow with an everlasting thanksgiving, praise and obedience to our Heavenly Father!
In the Old Testament, the command to the children of God is to offer to Him lambs, ram or bulls without blemish day by day, on every Sabbath or at appointed time (Numbers 28). In Luke 22:19-20, we read that Jesus came to establish a new covenant with us. His body was broken and  His blood was shed solely and only for us as a Sacrifice once and for all on our behalf. Today, as we go to church and as we break bread and take the cup, let us  remember all that our beloved Jesus has done for us on the Cross of Calvary. His love that is beyond measures calls for our response to give thanks to Him beyond descriptions - we just have to give our ALL to Him!
When the king of Moab, King Balak sent for Balaam to curse Israel in Numbers chapters 22-25, Israel was blessed instead as God forbidded Balaam to curse but instead put words of blessings in his mouth through the oft-quoted miracle-incident of a talking donkey. However, the Israelites still fell in the hands of the Moabites when they involved themselves with prostitutes and unclean food sacrificed to the Mobites' idols. They fell into transgressions due to these traps and God had no choice but to send a deadly plague to them. In Numbers 31:16, we know that these traps were set through the counsel of Balaam. How important for us to learn this! God can bless and even perform miracles to grant ALL the external protection and safety to us BUT we ourselves are responsible to make the inner moral choices and decisions. If we choose to sin, do not blame God but be ready to face the consequences.
In Numbers 27:1-7 recorded an account of the patriarch Joseph's great great great grandson, Zelophehad did not leave a son but daughters. Nevertheless, these daughters spoke up to Moses and enquired as to why the name of their father be removed just because their faher had no son.  When Moses brought this case before the Lord, the Lord said, “The daughters of Zelophehad speak what  is right; you shall surely give them a possession of inheritance among their father’s brothers..." What we can learnt from this episode is the need to speak up. And God is ever willing to listen and to respond to our enquiry (ies). In fact, He invited us to reason out together with Him. (Isaiah 1:18)
In Numbers 25:11-13, CEV version, it reads, "In My anger, I would have wiped out the Israelites if Phinehas had not been faithful to Me. But instead of punishing them, I forgave them. So because of the loyalty that Phinehas showed, I solemnly promise that he and his descendants will always be My priests.” Wow! How important loyalty and faithfulness is! If not because of Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron who was loyal and faithful, God would have wiped out the whole Israelites! Hence, besides interceding for our beloved country Malaysia, we ourselves need to be loyal and faithful towards God and people.
Surely we have experienced before the frustrations of our so-called unanswered prayers. Some have prayed for years whereas some have even prayed and fasted for days. We can take comfort in God's Words. In Numbers 23:19, it says, “God  is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" Henceforth, holding firm to this promise that God will do what He said, let us continue to call upon Him and cry out to Him for He shall deliver us as long as we know we pray in line with His Will! Nevertheless, our attitude in prayers is that whether or not we are delivered, we shall not and will not waver in our allegiance to our King of kings and Lord of lords. Read Daniel 3:17-18.
Yesterday, I wrote on the SOP of the Kingdom of God and today in Luke 18:17 shows one of the paramount if not the first procedure is to change our hearts to be child-like (note that it is not childish!). Children are basically  innocent and will trust people around them. In fact, they will not grow properly if they are unable to trust people especially those closest to them. Hence, it is not just a virtue but a vital fact! Let us then, commit ourselves totally to the reality that we must have Total, Thorough and undoubting Trust in our King of kings and the Lord of lords.
In Luke 17:20-21, when Jesus replied the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;  nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” This is an important INSIGHT of what God expects us to do while we wait for His return. When the kingdom of God is within us now, it does NOT merely means we just have an idea or a philosophy of His Kingdom BUT we are to pledge our allegiance to Him and to know His Kingdom's principles, rules and regulations...what we now called SOP, Standard Of Operation of God's Kingdom. We should be excited to learn as much as possible about His SOP as we will be reigning with Him when He returns.
In Luke 17:20-21, when Jesus replied the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation;  nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” This is an important INSIGHT of what God expects us to do while we wait for His return. When the kingdom of God is within us now, it does NOT merely means we just have an idea or a philosophy of His Kingdom BUT we are to pledge our allegiance to Him and to know His Kingdom's principles, rules and regulations...what we now called SOP, Standard Of Operation of God's Kingdom. We should be excited to learn as much as possible about His SOP as we will be reigning with Him when He returns.
In Numbers 16, we read of how Korah with Dathan and Abiram questioned the authority of Moses and Aaron. Moses was very confident that God has sent him to do all the work and said in verse 28 that .."I have not done them of my own will". Same for Aaron. Only the rod belonged to Aaron budded and blossomed. How important then, that we seek God's will and fulfill His calling. Do not labor for the food which perishes but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which it has been PROMISED will be given us by the Son of Man (John 6:27). Question is what is that food which lasts? Jesus gave the answer in John 4:34, 'Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work."'Life is not a matter of how long or short; it is about whether we have fulfilled God's will and to finish His Work given to us!
So many things are happening around us. At times, we feel helpless as to how and what should we do to help make our society a better place to live. One sure way is to INTERCEDE. There is definitely POWER in PRAYERS. In the book of Numbers chapter 14, we read of how Moses interceded for the people of Israelites, if NOT, God's anger was enough to strike them down with a plague and destroy them (v12). Moses reminded God of His own Words that He was slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion which He Himself spoke on Mount Sinai (Exodus 34:6,7). With that, God forgave them, as Moses asked (v20, 23). Wow! That was an effective prayer of a righteous man. Today, do stay back in church to pray and intercede and remind God of His own Words. God is ever willing to listen and to reason out with us! Read KJV Isaiah 1:18 & 41:17-21.
We usually stop reading at  “Be still, and know that I am God.." in the oft-quoted verse, Psalm 46:10. But, please note the remaining words, "I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." The Psalmist recognised this and even KNOW that his God would just lift His voice and the earth would melt (Psalm 46:6). Contrasting this scene with the scene in Numbers 13:31-33, whereby the 10 men perceived themselves like grasshoppers and the people in the Promised Land as stronger than them.  We knew the consequences of their lack of focus on God's ability - their generations except for Caleb and Joshua, had to perish in the wilderness before their next generations could step foot on the Promised Land. What a price to pay! May we be still not to look into our weaknesses or failures or wanting to go back to past "comfort"(Numbers 14:2-4) BUT to  focus just on God and His Mighty and...
Naturally, people voice out their displeasure over some other people or over matters. We must know the difference between complaining and giving constructive feedback. Whatever we voice out is to assist someone to grow or to improve, if not God abhors complaining to such a degree that His anger was aroused and fire of the Lord burnt among the Israelites and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp (Numbers 11:1). This is because when we complain, it is akin to despising God as said in Numbers 11:20. Let our conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that we may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6).
All of us are busy. The question we need to ask ourselves is WHAT AND WHY are we busy about? If we keep on seeking wealth at the expense of our health or to keep up with the Joneses, we need to stop and take heed and beware of covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses(Luke 12:15). Further, in Luke 12:21, it says “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” We can be rest assured that our beloved Heavenly Father knows that we need all these things but He wants us to seek His Kingdom FIRST, place Him as our FIRST PRIORITY and the promise is that ALL these things shall be added unto us. Read Luke 12:30-31.
I remember very clearly that I was so excited when I conceived my firstborn. The very 1st thing that concerned me was to ask God what name should I give him. My husband and I decided to go to Frasers Hill for retreat to hear God as to what name to give to our firstborn. Name is truly important. We are taught to pray "Hallowed be Thy Name" in the Lord's prayers. In Numbers 6:27, after the blessings, God told Aaron that they shall put His Name upon the children of Israel; and He would  bless them. In Psalm 44:5, it was through God's  Name the psalmist said those who rose up against them were treaded. When our beloved Jesus prayed "Father, glorify Thy Name" in John 12:28, God's voice IMMEDIATELY came from heaven.  Trust nothing but His Name, go no where but to run to His Name! Read Proverbs 18:10.
We usually hear people say, "Go and meet Uncle XYZ as he is very generous and kind...surely he will render help in one way or another".  If at human level, we know how to get help from someone whose character is superior, how much more comfort we get that we can approach our Heavenly Father whose character is far more superior than we can ever imagine. The Psalmist in Psalm 43 knows exactly this. He referred God as his stronghold, his joy and delight, his light and faithful care, his hope, Saviour and God. With these in his mind and heart, he could sing and praise God with his lyre though his soul was downcast. Let us, therefore, KNOW that our God is just GOOD, full of measureless good attributes. As Christians, we have every reason to REJOICE!
In Psalms 42:11 (KJV), we read on how the Psalmist verbalised his frustrations to God BUT most importantly, he ultimately knew how to OVERCOME his own emotions by directing his own soul to hope in God and recalled the knowledge that His God was the HEALTH of his countenance. I would like to sum it up as VODRBS which stands for Verbalizing to God, Overcome by Directing our souls to hope in God, Recall His attributes, Beat our bodies and make it our Slaves. Apostle Paul said this in  1 Corinthians 9:27 that without mastery and discipline of his body, he feared that he would be disqualified from the very prize of salvation that he so passionately preached.