You'll come to places that seem like abrupt ends to your dreams. Every door will appear closed and you may even have to accept responsibilities that seem incompatible with the promises God has given you. Do not ever you think its all over but remember that God holds your future. He is developing your character and strengthening your faith. The purpose of your life is so important that God Himself protects it for you - you do not have to fear that it has been lost or ruined forever. So no matter how long it takes, obey and follow God without wavering. Despite the detours, He will unfailingly lead you to your purpose. Read Psalm 57.
So steep and treacherous are the paths along the walls of the Grand Canyon that those who wish to traverse them rarely set out on foot. They depend on remarkable animals with hoofs designed to hug the narrow, dusty paths and bodies proportioned for maximum strength, endurance and balance. Likewise, in the course of your life, you may encounter many mountain paths that are too difficult to attempt alone. But when you set out on those trails, you can depend on God to keep you from falling. He will provide the assistance you need. When you must follow a steep and treacherous path on your journey through life, place your trust and hope in His promises to help you reach your destination safely. Meditate Psalm 91.
Are you in a situation that you do not know how to handle and afraid you will make wrong decisions? If so, you're in a place God can speak to you. Here's a prayer for you: "Lord, You are the only wise God and I am desperately in need of You. I'm in a challenging situation and I ask for your spirit of wisdom to show me which way to go. Help me faithfully obey how You want me to go about it. Help me to know the difference between human advice and godly advice and to choose Your way. I surrender this situation to You because You've promised to direct my steps. Take my hand, light my way and help me to walk on - knowing as in Romans 8:28 that 'all things work out together for good to those who love You'. In Jesus Name, Amen."
Daniel was found guilty of praying to God - in direct conflict with the Persian decree that all should pray to no one except to the king. So Daniel was sentenced to the lion's den - death was certain. Yet when morning came, Daniel had not been devoured. God had shut the mouths of the lions. It seems an amazing story but it is consistent with the character of God. When others punish you for being faithful to Him, He does astounding things to help you - even saving you from the jaws of lions. Serve Him faithfully today and do not fear what others will do to you. God will certainly deliver you in marvelous ways. Again, Daniel 6:27 & 28 say "God rescues and saves people and does mighty miracles in heaven and earth. So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian."
You can only put your trust in something that is completely true - and the Bible has proven God to be absolutely faithful throughout history. Certainly there are things that have yet to be seen - such as the second coming of Christ and what life will be in heaven. Nevertheless, you can know that everything you see is evidence for all you have not yet seen. God does not lie. He cannot mislead you. What He communicates to you about your life and eternity is unquestionably true. You can count on God to be honest - so trust Him today with whatever comes. Numbers 23:19 "God is not like people who lie; He is not a human who changes His mind. Whatever He promises, He does; He speaks and is done."
King David knew what it was like to be a poor shepherd boy and a wealthy king. He had experienced what it was to have nothing and to have everything - to be lowly and unnoticed and to have respect and love of a nation. Yet through it all, there was one thing that defined the worth-while life to David - a healthy relationship with God. No matter how you define "the good life," one thing is certain: It's always better with God. As David discovered, possessions and power will fail to satisfy your soul but God never will. God can fill you with more joy and purpose than anything you can imagine. Allow Him to lead you to the life He has planned for you - it's more wonderful than you can imagine! Read Psalm 101.
The greatest security system in the world is God. With Him by your side, you will have confidence that things will be alright. With God beside you, you can handle whatever pops up. God accompanies you with the power of His competence and you can take comfort in this knowledge. You cannot go anywhere that God does not go along with you. Security in God is like having an electric fence built around your property to keep out harmful intrusions. It is like an alarm that goes off when you need to be alerted to danger and risk. God's presence is a security system that helps you smell the smoke and avoid the fire. Psalm 16:8 says it correctly : "...because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Memorize Proverbs 8:10
The book of Job is full of theories and theologies. The questions abound - Why do good, innocent and righteous people suffer? Is God punishing Job for some wrong action? Shouldn't people who trust in God prosper? God's desire is not for you to form hypotheses about Him. Rather, God wants you just to trust Him - and it is only when you allow yourself to be vulnerable that you can experience Him fully. After all his sufferings, Job was able to say that God was real to Him, more personal that he could have imagined (Job 42:5). And it filled him with great joy. Today, set your heart on KNOWING HIM instead of just knowing ABOUT Him!
We may be overwhelmed by stresses in life and by injustices that are happening around us. This may create doubts in ourselves, in life and even in God. Lean on the Lord to make a difference. Recall God's Word. Psalms 55:22 says "Cast your burden on the Lord , And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Do not let doubt, disbelief and distraught happenings steal us from the joy of being. As faith is a gift from God, let us pray that our Heavenly Father will give us faith that is strong enough to banish all doubts and establish all trust in Him as we cast our burdens upon Him. Amen.
Are we conscious of His presence in our lives? God is present not in our natural selves, which are corrupt and lifeless but in our born-again natures that are alive to God by faith. The Holy Spirit can make us aware of His presence in our hours of great need and in the routines of our daily life. We can also know His presence by our love and obedience to Him. To obey Him is to love Him and to love Him is to know His presence in a deeper, fuller way. The people who are most aware of God's presence in their lives are those who love Jesus with a passion and who have abandoned all disobedience to Him. Are you? Let us do it now by going to church to praise God in the presence of His people. Read Psalm 52:9
Matthew 13:11 says "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom have been given to you." Then why a group of people can hear the exact same truth presented in exactly the same way and half will believe and the half will not? Because the mysteries of the kingdom cannot be discerned merely by human logic. The intellect of mankind cannot and will not figure it out. God's revelation is given to seeing eyes and hearing ears - hearts that are inclined to learn of God will learn whereas hearts that are inclined to explain Him will remain utterly confounded. The revelation of God are given to humble hungry hearts. The answer to every "why' and 'what' is not given to brillant intellects but to the common seekers. Which group are you?
A wonderful thing occurs when you spend time with God. Circumstances begin to make sense to you that never did before. Your spirit becomes sensitive to the important details of life and you can discern how certain situations will turn out. This is not about supernatural premonitions. Rather, your heightened perception has to do with understanding God's will for you - seeing His activity in your life with spiritual eyes. When your gaze is on the Lord, you know where He is taking you, what He's teaching you and the way He's transforming your life. So, spend time with Him everyday and allow His wisdom to shed light on your path. Psalm 25:14 "The secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He reveals His covenant to them."
Jezebel did not use chariots and horses. Her words initimidated Elijah, depressed him and drove him into hiding. Neither the wind nor the fire nor the earthquake could bring Elijah out of his cave - only the still, small voice of God could (1Kings 19). If you listen to the voice of fear, you'll be afraid of the next phone call or the next medical report. Who are you going to believe, God or men? Fear always cause you to think the worst instead of believing God for the best. Fear and faith are present with us everyday - the one you choose will rule your life. When you come up against a fear-producing situation, pray for God's wisdom and protection and stand on His Word, for He says, '... I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
When Jehoshaphat was confronted with the armies of Ammon and Moab, he knew that his forces were no match for them. Yet he also knew that God had promised to help him. So as God instructed, Jehoshaphat gathered the people together to praise Him. You may think that this was a strange thing for Jehoshaphat to do. Yet God inhabit the praises of His people and gives them victory through it. With Jehoshaphat, God routed the enemy and never had to lift the sword. He will help you too. So, lift up your voice and praise Him today for the splendor of His holiness and glory of His grace. Thank Him in advance for helping you in all your battles. Then watch as He helps you in a miraculous way! Read 2 Chronicles 20.
Realize how closely Jesus relates to the neediest people. His association is so intimate and sincere that you are promised that whatever good you do for them, you are actually doing for Him. Jesus could look into people's lives and thoroughly know their deepest needs whether those needs were for food and shelter or for healing and forgiveness. His empathy is so profound that He greatly appreciates your service on His behalf. When you compassionately see a person's need, you are not only acting FOR Jesus but also LIKE Jesus. You relate out of mercy and react just as He would. Matthew 25:40 "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
God gives you spiritual armour to protect you as you live for Him. It is all tied together with the belt of truth which keeps you safe on the right path. As you go, the breastplate of righteousness protects your heart from sin and the helmet of salvation safeguards your mind with God's great promises. The shield of faith deflects the temptations that wound you and the gospel gives you peace and purpose. The sword of the Spirit is your defensive weapon - your preparation for whatever comes. Today, put on His armour and stand firm in Him. Rejoice that you can clothe in His wonderful armour. The mighty strength of the Lord will make you strong. Read Ephesians 6:10-11
Knowing God is a priviledge. God has invited you to know Him in the most profound way and to embrace His best for your life. The Creator of the universe beckons you to be transformed by His divine mercy, wisdom and provision and to know the unlimited power and love that have been made available to you. Spending time in God's presence is a precious gift - one that you have been given to enjoy at any moment, no matter the hour or the reason. Therefore, thank Him TODAY in church for inviting you into His presence. Thank Him that you can have the opportunity to worship Him with all of your heart. Psalm 2:11 "Worship God in adoring embrace, celebrate in trembling awe."
You can never go wrong when you commit your way to God. He is always faithful to lead you in the very best way. And He promises that if you obey Him, He will protect you and cause you to prosper. Sometimes His instructions may seem counterintuitive - different from what you expected. It will take real courage and faith to obey Him because His instructions does not make sense from your standpoint. But you can always be confident that God has excellent reasons for His commands - for your protection and your prosperity. Take heart and commit to being faithful and obey God today. Assuredly, you will be glad you did. Memorize Jeremiah 7:23
The bravest of Israel's soldiers were terrified of the mighty Goliath - all except David who was there to deliver bread to his brothers. He knew the battle wasn't about human strength; it was about the divine power of God. He had great success in everything he did because the Lord was with him. (1 Samuel 18:14). Are you facing any goliaths in your life? If you are living for God, you can have triumphant confidence like David because no earthly threat can match the power of your heavenly Champion. You need not fear any goliath in your life. Trust God and relax. Your battles belong to the Lord. Praise Him for His power - He will win every battle for you! Read 1 Samuel 17.
Moses was a man of prayer. He spent a great deal of time being in fellowship with and talking to God. Can you imagine being responsible for the daily care of 2 million people - people who were not appreciative but spend their time complaining and finding fault with him? Wouldn't this be an ideal situation for losing one's cool and peace? Yet God told Moses: "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14). Listen. God's presence can give you peace in any situation including a difficult workplace or a home that is constant upheaval. It can enable you to show love in the face of abuse and patience in the midst of stress. So this morning, spend time in God's presence.
So steep and treacherous are the paths along the walls of the Grand Canyon that those who wish to traverse them rarely set out on foot. They depend on remarkable animals with hoofs designed to hug the narrow, dusty paths and bodies proportioned for maximum strength, endurance and balance. Likewise, in the course of your life, you may encounter many mountain paths that are too difficult to attempt alone. But when you set out on those trails, you can depend on God to keep you from falling. He will provide the assistance you need. When you must follow a steep and treacherous path on your journey through life, place your trust and hope in His promises to help you reach your destination safely. Meditate Psalm 91.
Are you in a situation that you do not know how to handle and afraid you will make wrong decisions? If so, you're in a place God can speak to you. Here's a prayer for you: "Lord, You are the only wise God and I am desperately in need of You. I'm in a challenging situation and I ask for your spirit of wisdom to show me which way to go. Help me faithfully obey how You want me to go about it. Help me to know the difference between human advice and godly advice and to choose Your way. I surrender this situation to You because You've promised to direct my steps. Take my hand, light my way and help me to walk on - knowing as in Romans 8:28 that 'all things work out together for good to those who love You'. In Jesus Name, Amen."
Daniel was found guilty of praying to God - in direct conflict with the Persian decree that all should pray to no one except to the king. So Daniel was sentenced to the lion's den - death was certain. Yet when morning came, Daniel had not been devoured. God had shut the mouths of the lions. It seems an amazing story but it is consistent with the character of God. When others punish you for being faithful to Him, He does astounding things to help you - even saving you from the jaws of lions. Serve Him faithfully today and do not fear what others will do to you. God will certainly deliver you in marvelous ways. Again, Daniel 6:27 & 28 say "God rescues and saves people and does mighty miracles in heaven and earth. So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian."
You can only put your trust in something that is completely true - and the Bible has proven God to be absolutely faithful throughout history. Certainly there are things that have yet to be seen - such as the second coming of Christ and what life will be in heaven. Nevertheless, you can know that everything you see is evidence for all you have not yet seen. God does not lie. He cannot mislead you. What He communicates to you about your life and eternity is unquestionably true. You can count on God to be honest - so trust Him today with whatever comes. Numbers 23:19 "God is not like people who lie; He is not a human who changes His mind. Whatever He promises, He does; He speaks and is done."
King David knew what it was like to be a poor shepherd boy and a wealthy king. He had experienced what it was to have nothing and to have everything - to be lowly and unnoticed and to have respect and love of a nation. Yet through it all, there was one thing that defined the worth-while life to David - a healthy relationship with God. No matter how you define "the good life," one thing is certain: It's always better with God. As David discovered, possessions and power will fail to satisfy your soul but God never will. God can fill you with more joy and purpose than anything you can imagine. Allow Him to lead you to the life He has planned for you - it's more wonderful than you can imagine! Read Psalm 101.
The greatest security system in the world is God. With Him by your side, you will have confidence that things will be alright. With God beside you, you can handle whatever pops up. God accompanies you with the power of His competence and you can take comfort in this knowledge. You cannot go anywhere that God does not go along with you. Security in God is like having an electric fence built around your property to keep out harmful intrusions. It is like an alarm that goes off when you need to be alerted to danger and risk. God's presence is a security system that helps you smell the smoke and avoid the fire. Psalm 16:8 says it correctly : "...because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Memorize Proverbs 8:10
The book of Job is full of theories and theologies. The questions abound - Why do good, innocent and righteous people suffer? Is God punishing Job for some wrong action? Shouldn't people who trust in God prosper? God's desire is not for you to form hypotheses about Him. Rather, God wants you just to trust Him - and it is only when you allow yourself to be vulnerable that you can experience Him fully. After all his sufferings, Job was able to say that God was real to Him, more personal that he could have imagined (Job 42:5). And it filled him with great joy. Today, set your heart on KNOWING HIM instead of just knowing ABOUT Him!
We may be overwhelmed by stresses in life and by injustices that are happening around us. This may create doubts in ourselves, in life and even in God. Lean on the Lord to make a difference. Recall God's Word. Psalms 55:22 says "Cast your burden on the Lord , And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Do not let doubt, disbelief and distraught happenings steal us from the joy of being. As faith is a gift from God, let us pray that our Heavenly Father will give us faith that is strong enough to banish all doubts and establish all trust in Him as we cast our burdens upon Him. Amen.
Are we conscious of His presence in our lives? God is present not in our natural selves, which are corrupt and lifeless but in our born-again natures that are alive to God by faith. The Holy Spirit can make us aware of His presence in our hours of great need and in the routines of our daily life. We can also know His presence by our love and obedience to Him. To obey Him is to love Him and to love Him is to know His presence in a deeper, fuller way. The people who are most aware of God's presence in their lives are those who love Jesus with a passion and who have abandoned all disobedience to Him. Are you? Let us do it now by going to church to praise God in the presence of His people. Read Psalm 52:9
Matthew 13:11 says "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom have been given to you." Then why a group of people can hear the exact same truth presented in exactly the same way and half will believe and the half will not? Because the mysteries of the kingdom cannot be discerned merely by human logic. The intellect of mankind cannot and will not figure it out. God's revelation is given to seeing eyes and hearing ears - hearts that are inclined to learn of God will learn whereas hearts that are inclined to explain Him will remain utterly confounded. The revelation of God are given to humble hungry hearts. The answer to every "why' and 'what' is not given to brillant intellects but to the common seekers. Which group are you?
A wonderful thing occurs when you spend time with God. Circumstances begin to make sense to you that never did before. Your spirit becomes sensitive to the important details of life and you can discern how certain situations will turn out. This is not about supernatural premonitions. Rather, your heightened perception has to do with understanding God's will for you - seeing His activity in your life with spiritual eyes. When your gaze is on the Lord, you know where He is taking you, what He's teaching you and the way He's transforming your life. So, spend time with Him everyday and allow His wisdom to shed light on your path. Psalm 25:14 "The secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He reveals His covenant to them."
Jezebel did not use chariots and horses. Her words initimidated Elijah, depressed him and drove him into hiding. Neither the wind nor the fire nor the earthquake could bring Elijah out of his cave - only the still, small voice of God could (1Kings 19). If you listen to the voice of fear, you'll be afraid of the next phone call or the next medical report. Who are you going to believe, God or men? Fear always cause you to think the worst instead of believing God for the best. Fear and faith are present with us everyday - the one you choose will rule your life. When you come up against a fear-producing situation, pray for God's wisdom and protection and stand on His Word, for He says, '... I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
When Jehoshaphat was confronted with the armies of Ammon and Moab, he knew that his forces were no match for them. Yet he also knew that God had promised to help him. So as God instructed, Jehoshaphat gathered the people together to praise Him. You may think that this was a strange thing for Jehoshaphat to do. Yet God inhabit the praises of His people and gives them victory through it. With Jehoshaphat, God routed the enemy and never had to lift the sword. He will help you too. So, lift up your voice and praise Him today for the splendor of His holiness and glory of His grace. Thank Him in advance for helping you in all your battles. Then watch as He helps you in a miraculous way! Read 2 Chronicles 20.
Realize how closely Jesus relates to the neediest people. His association is so intimate and sincere that you are promised that whatever good you do for them, you are actually doing for Him. Jesus could look into people's lives and thoroughly know their deepest needs whether those needs were for food and shelter or for healing and forgiveness. His empathy is so profound that He greatly appreciates your service on His behalf. When you compassionately see a person's need, you are not only acting FOR Jesus but also LIKE Jesus. You relate out of mercy and react just as He would. Matthew 25:40 "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
God gives you spiritual armour to protect you as you live for Him. It is all tied together with the belt of truth which keeps you safe on the right path. As you go, the breastplate of righteousness protects your heart from sin and the helmet of salvation safeguards your mind with God's great promises. The shield of faith deflects the temptations that wound you and the gospel gives you peace and purpose. The sword of the Spirit is your defensive weapon - your preparation for whatever comes. Today, put on His armour and stand firm in Him. Rejoice that you can clothe in His wonderful armour. The mighty strength of the Lord will make you strong. Read Ephesians 6:10-11
Knowing God is a priviledge. God has invited you to know Him in the most profound way and to embrace His best for your life. The Creator of the universe beckons you to be transformed by His divine mercy, wisdom and provision and to know the unlimited power and love that have been made available to you. Spending time in God's presence is a precious gift - one that you have been given to enjoy at any moment, no matter the hour or the reason. Therefore, thank Him TODAY in church for inviting you into His presence. Thank Him that you can have the opportunity to worship Him with all of your heart. Psalm 2:11 "Worship God in adoring embrace, celebrate in trembling awe."
You can never go wrong when you commit your way to God. He is always faithful to lead you in the very best way. And He promises that if you obey Him, He will protect you and cause you to prosper. Sometimes His instructions may seem counterintuitive - different from what you expected. It will take real courage and faith to obey Him because His instructions does not make sense from your standpoint. But you can always be confident that God has excellent reasons for His commands - for your protection and your prosperity. Take heart and commit to being faithful and obey God today. Assuredly, you will be glad you did. Memorize Jeremiah 7:23
The bravest of Israel's soldiers were terrified of the mighty Goliath - all except David who was there to deliver bread to his brothers. He knew the battle wasn't about human strength; it was about the divine power of God. He had great success in everything he did because the Lord was with him. (1 Samuel 18:14). Are you facing any goliaths in your life? If you are living for God, you can have triumphant confidence like David because no earthly threat can match the power of your heavenly Champion. You need not fear any goliath in your life. Trust God and relax. Your battles belong to the Lord. Praise Him for His power - He will win every battle for you! Read 1 Samuel 17.
Moses was a man of prayer. He spent a great deal of time being in fellowship with and talking to God. Can you imagine being responsible for the daily care of 2 million people - people who were not appreciative but spend their time complaining and finding fault with him? Wouldn't this be an ideal situation for losing one's cool and peace? Yet God told Moses: "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14). Listen. God's presence can give you peace in any situation including a difficult workplace or a home that is constant upheaval. It can enable you to show love in the face of abuse and patience in the midst of stress. So this morning, spend time in God's presence.
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