The last verse in the Old Testament ends with a curse (Malachi 4:6) but praise be to God that the last Chapter of the New Testament in Revelation 22:3 says that there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and the Lamb shall be in it and His servant shall serve Him. This is because of the work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary for you and me that the curse was removed from us provided we humble ourselves to confess our sins and believe and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. We are being saved daily as we CONTINUE to believe and to serve Him. Let us spur one another on to COMPLETE the race to meet God face to face.

In the first 2 chapters of Leviticus, we can read of how God expected an offering of a lamb without blemish, offering of fine flour with frankincense and grain offering of firstfruits to be presented to Him. It is definitely not that our God needs them, but He wants to see our willingness (1:3), just as a parent will be pleased with a child's own initiative to express love to them. It is the same for our Heavenly Father. Let us then, take initiative to love our God by giving our best in our words and work!

We will not give much thoughts to the things that we use or to the places that we go as long as they do not pose immediate harm to us. However, God instructed Moses not only to consecrate Aaron and his sons but their garments as well. (Leviticus 8:30). This goes to show the importance of setting aside for God's work and His glory even things that we use such as the handphone, multimedia, computer and ipads. Are we using these things for His glory?

 Francis Assisi once took a young monk with him to preach in town. But when they arrived, they just chattered with vendors and talked to people on the street. Returning home, the monk asked why they had not preached. He replied, "People listened, they observed our attitude and behaviour. That was our message."  Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to live a life pleasing unto the Lord (1 Thessalonians  4:1-11). This means ensuring your walk matches your talk, that you truly care about others, that you are not cheating your spouse or your income taxes, that you are paying your bills on time, that you are not short-changing your employer. Note: It is one thing to call yourself a Christian, it is entirely another when those who know you, agree!

 When God promises you something and it does not happen right away, it is easy to get impatient. Abraham took matters into his own hands by fathering Ishmael. When God did send Isaac through Sarah, both boys ended up living under the same roof. Right and wrong, wheat and tares, they grew up together. Look out! It's possible to be blessed in 1 area of your life, while in another there's a growing problem that will overwhelm you unless you handle it. You need to stand up and declare, "Enough is enough. I'm going to clean my house and straighten my life." Today, deal with your 'Ishmael' and refuse to let your enemy send anything into your life that will undermine your blessings! Read Genesis 21.

 It is God's desire that you take His love and put it into the hearts of other people. Years ago in West Africa, a man laid on a hospital bed. He had been sick for a long time and was extremely weak from a surgery just performed on him. But he was not without hope. A man in a doctor's coat stood by him and smiled. It was the same man who had operated on him and saved his life. "Who sent you?" he asked the doctor. "The Lord Jesus Christ sent me," answered Albert Schwritzer. God has been sending His servants into the world for a long time. Now He's sending you. Are you ready to go where He wants to send you? He says, "Go, then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciples." (Matthew 28:19)


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