Ever wonder why the wise men would drop everything to follow a star 3000 km? You're not alone - there's a lot of speculation about that star which announced the birth of Jesus. Think what it represents: 1. HOPE. "God loves us ...He gave us a hope...that continues forever" (2 Thessalonians 2:16) 2. JOY. Jesus is the source of transcendant joy that lifts us above all circumstances. 3. GUIDANCE. The star united intellectuals and illiterates, rich and poor, lofty and lonely around Jesus - heavens's answers to earth's dilemma. So, when asks, "What did you get for Christmas? Just smile and say "HOPE that gets brighter each day, JOY that's greater than any threat or circumstances and GUIDANCE for each step of the journey! I wish you a Hopeful, Joyful and Jesus-Guided Christmas and New Year 2015!


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