When life has wounded you and you have fallen from your nesting place, remember God is the One you can turn to. Stop running around looking  for comfort. Instead, open your heart to God. He will speak to you today in the very circumstances you're trying to escape. Only His hand can hold you up and give you the strength to try again and succeed. Go back to His Word. It's a living love letter. It's a "statement of intent" from One who wants only the best for you. Nothing you have done will change His mind. His love for you is constant -and unconditional! God disciplines us, develops us and delights in us. Come and experience His love afresh. 1 John 3:1 says "See how much our heavenly Father loves us."

We love to quote this,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13). This promise does not mean you can do whatever you want. Paul is saying you can do anything God calls you to do - for with each of His assignment comes His assistance. This verse teaches you to stay within the boundaries of what God has called you to do and not try to undertake things that are not part of His will for you. Note that this is not negativism - it's wisdom. God wants you to look to Him, not others for your answers. That does not mean you cannot learn from others. It just means the plan that will lead you to success must come from God.

When do you find grace come? Hebrews 4:16 "We will find grace to help us when we need it." God will not give you tomorrow's grace today. Like the manna in the wilderness, when you awaken each morning, it'll be there - grace equals to every need.  How could Paul maintain his joy through beatings, betrayals, shipwrecks and imprisonment? Because God told him, "My grace is enough; it's all you need ..." (2 Corinthians 12:9). Grace will enable you to manage difficult staffs, care for an aging loved one who requires much time and patience, pray and never let go of a rebellious son or daughter and keep your faith strong in the face of overwhelming odds.

Often you can tell by the look on someone's face what they are going through. "Joseph ... looked at them and saw they were sad." (Genesis 40:6). Eventhough he himself was unjustly imprisoned, he was determined to help 2 other prisoners. Joseph realised he was not the only one hurting, so he treated those around him with compassion. How about you? Do you take time to understand what people are going through? Are you self-absorbed or concerned about others who are hurting? Friend, do you know that encouragement is like a shot of adrenaline? It can lift a person and put them back on their feet again. So, today, being a public holiday, start seeing the needs of those around you.

If you want to see God's promises fulfilled in your life, don't do things your way - or you might give birth to an Ishmael! Ismael was born because Sarah tried to orchestrate events and bail God out. And the world has been living with the consequences ever since. Be sure that your plans are born of God's Spirit. Do not try to salvage anything that is flesh-based. God said, "My covenant will I establish wth Isaac " (Genesis 17:21) because Isaac was the result of God's will, done in God's way and in God's time. Know that God does not need help to bless you - He can do it by Himself. Ponder on what Philippians 1:6 says "He who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion." Trust Him.

Why don't we turn to God in prayer more often? Perhaps unconsciously we are not 'fully persuaded' that He is able to answer our prayer. We doubt, we lack confidence and we exercise our self-sufficiency. Now rediscover that 'God is able' to deliver you from the fiery furnace of adversity (Daniel 3:17), able to give a child to a 90 years old woman (Romans 4:18-19) and able to do exceedingly more than we ask (Ephesians 3:20). You will not be able to persevere in prayer until you know that God is able and more than willing. God is capable of handling anything you bring to Him. Nothing is too difficult for Him - He's just waiting for you to recognize that. Come to Him in faith and ask for His help today! Memorize Romans 4:20 & 21

Why must you pray? If God already knows all our needs and heart's desires, why is it necessary to ask Him in prayer? Friend, God wants you to ask for His help because it opens up the lines of communication. He wants to have a relationship with you. If He were to satisfy your needs without you ever asking, you'd never remember to interact with Him. Yet when you pray to Him, you open yourself to His love and provision. So pray and do it often. Get to know the Lord and let Him into your life. He'll not only be your Provider, He'll be your Counselor, Confidant, King and Friend. Thank Him for wanting a relationship with you. Meditate Psalm 86.

Spiritual growth is a work in progress and it does not come through your own human effort. It comes as a result of spending time in prayer and having your mind renewed daily by His Word. As you agree with God, believing what He says is true, change automatically happens. You start to think differently, talk differently and act differently. This process develops in stages. It's God's job to '... cause you to be governed by the Holy Spirit ...' (2 Corinthians 3:8). If you could do it by yourself you would not need Him. You do not need to drive or push yourself harder and harder - start leaning on God more and more and you will "...go from strength to strength...." (Psalm 84:7)


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