
Showing posts from July, 2014
When you acknowledge God's power and might, He pours His encouragement into your heart. A simple prayer, "Lord, I need your help," speaks volumes to Him. He hears your confession and moves into action. Yet there will be times when you are unable to pray about what you are facing. There's an emergency and you need His comfort and direction. Can God help you in such urgent situations? Yes. He is able to provide all you need the moment you cry out to Him. So take heart, my friend, in your faithful God. He is as faithful to you today as He has been from time immemorial. And He will surely come to your aid as soon as you call. Yes, call 333, Jeremiah 33:3
"Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:27). Let's break out of our comfort zone. The life of discipleship is not about comfortable pews and crosses - it is about a clash of kingdoms. We seek safety, comfort, security and pleasure, often at the expense of doing God's will. We risk compromising God's mission for the  path of least resistance. We are not willing to pay the price of impacting the world. Self-preservation at the expense of obedience always have grave consequences in the Bible. Let's recognize where eternal safety lies and abandon ourselves to the Christ who calls us to carry our crosses and commitments till the end where the glory of God will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18)
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear." (Luke 8:8) Jesus knew that while many are ready to receive His message, there are many who may not. There are stubborn listeners "without ears" - those who will not open themselves to the truth of the gospel. Even among believers, Jesus faced this resistance. Many who accepted His claims could not and would not accept all of His teachings. Then and now, we see a strange phenomenon - priceless, eternal truth is often not welcomed in human hearts. Human nature can gravitate toward rebellion and the inevitable result is spiritual deafness. What about you? Are you listening?
God has gold nuggets and diamond everywhere in His Word but we must dig them out. Just like precious gems when they are first pulled out from the ground, the treasure of God's Word need to be polished and refined in us in order to have the brilliance they are capable of revealing. Everytime you meditate God's Word in your heart, it will become more refined and polished in you and shine more brightly in your soul. Through it all, may His Word increase your faith and remind you of who you are and bring the security of knowing your life is in His hands. Memorize Hebrews 4:12
When the Israelites complained about the manna God provided, He "sent serpents .... they bit the people and many died." (Numbers 21:6). When they repented, God told Moses to make a bronze serpent, mount it on a pole and whoever looked at it would be healed. For centuries, they preserved, protected and dragging it whever they went until they ended up worshipping it. Something that had once been a blessing became an idol. Think it can't happen? Your church, your children, your spouse, your family, your job and your car can become an idol - there's nothing wrong with these blessings. It is only wrong when they begin to take God's place. Take heed. Guard against idols in your life!
There are circumstances and events that will consume every bit of your energy. They're real and pressing, all-consuming and painful. No matter what you do, the situation is in the forefront of your mind. You simply can't shake it.  Your loved ones may be supportive but you cannot expect them to comfort you everytime the anxieties surface or the tears begin to flow. They get weary and so do you. It's in those times that you must draw upon God's comfort, strength and wisdom. Others will let you down but God never will. So call upon His unflagging love morning, noon and night - whenever you need him. He is always ready to help you. Read Psalm 55. As David and his weary men fled from King Saul's relentless forces, they came to the Desert of Ziph, hoping they could hide and get some rest. Unfortunately, the people there were Saul's allies and they divulged David's covert location. Saul's soldiers closed in on David and all seemed lost. Whenever difficulties...
If you need encouragement today, take a look at the palm tree. You can cut it but you cannot really destroy it. The nutrients that most trees need to survive can be found just below the bark - so when you cut them, they die. But not the palm tree - its life comes from its heart so it thrives even under attack. Today, do no let issues or events that had happened to derail you. Stay focus on what God promised you - "strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy (Colossians 1:11). God's plan for you is to go deep, stay connected to Him and never be uprooted, barren or blown away. Psalm 92:12 "The righteous will flourish like a palm tree."
When others speak well of you, you have acceptance but when TRUTH speaks of you, you have CHARACTER. Character is simply confidence dressed in humility. It keeps its word, its temper and its friends. It's silent when it has nothing to say, thoughtful and compassionate when it judges and first to make amends when it's wrong. It has a sense of humour - knows that a good laugh is often the best lubricant oiling the machinery of human relations. It never makes excuses. It learns from its mistakes and become wiser. The Bible says Demetrius has character - 3 John 12. What about you? Do you have character? "So Joshua fought the Amalekites ... and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses hands grew tired... Aaron and Hur held his hands up ... so Joshua overcame the Amalekite army ..."(Exodus 17:10-13). This is the power of inte...
Ephesians 6:11 tells us to "put on the whole armour of God..." It's not something you pick up and wear when you feel like it. You've got to keep it on all the time because the enemy is lurking around seeking someone to devour. Satan knows Christ is returning soon and he is ratcheting up the opposition. The way you win the battle is through praise, the garment that protects you (Isaiah 61:3), abiding in Christ, your source of spiritual growth and fruitfulness (John 15:5-10) and God's Word which is active ....sharper than any 2-edged sword... (Hebrews 4:12) - it's designed to defeat the enemy. It's impossible to be victorious when you're wrapped up in yourself.
"So Joshua fought the Amalekites ... and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses hands grew tired... Aaron and Hur held his hands up ... so Joshua overcame the Amalekite army ..."(Exodus 17:10-13). This is the power of intercessory prayer. There are men and women who are holding up the hands of ministries in prayer. Today the God who said, "I sought for a man ... who would  .... stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land ... (Ezekiel 22:30) is looking for intercessors. Are you willing to be one of them, specifically to intercede for our land, Malaysia?
Jesus tells His disciples to be ready at all times - like servants prepared for a returning master (Luke 12:35).  We are to be dressed like servants, clothed in the garments He has given us. Even in the dark hours, when we cannot see clearly and grow discouraged, we are to keep our lamps burning. We should not grow despondent if He delays. We are to serve in His household while He is away, keeping our eyes open to see Him when He returns. Are you ready for His return? If we are living according to our past, which is based on a corrupt inheritance, we are not. But if we are living according to Christ, we know that we are ready.
When the Israelites went into captivity, God promised that it would not last forever. He assured them that they would someday return to their homeland. God eventually moved King Cyrus's heart to send them back to Jerusalem and give them the resources needed to rebuild the city. God's ability to help you is limitless. All things concerning your situation - including the hearts of the people in authority over you are in His hand. You may not influence the people who could change your circumstances but God certainly can. Take peace this morning knowing that He is directing your situation like a watercourse and is helping you mightily. Read Psalm 21 God brought the Israelites through the Red Sea but only after Moses lifted up the staff. God brought down the wall of Jericho but only after Joshua led His people through the right steps. God conquered Goliath but only after David stepped onto the battlefield. Jesus kept Peter afloat but only after Peter got out of the boat. Every mir...
Jesus asked Peter"Do you love Me?" (John 21:17).  If this same question is to us, what would our answer be? We may not consider ourselves grossly sinful. Yet the one thing we were created for - a deep, abiding, consuming love for God - eludes us while we busy ourselves with avoiding greed, pride, lust, anger, impatience and a host of other sinful traits. We mistakenly think that the battle is fought on these fronts - so we spend our energy fighting symptoms when the ultimate source of our sickness is a loveless heart toward God - the most grevious sin of all. May we ask God to rekindle our hearts an abiding love for Him.
Every workman knows you need the right tool for the right job. Human resource managers know how to assign people appropriate tasks. But in our relationship with God, we sometimes miss the point that we are created for His glory. We find ourselves as misapplied tools or employment misfits in the kingdom of God because we do not see our proper role.  Above all else, Christians' lives must be characterized by worship. There is the reason Jesus pointed to our love for God as the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37). It fulfills our purpose. We are designed for worship and our Father is seeking those who know that. Meditate John 4:23
Jesus Himself living in us is the fire we are promised in Luke 3:16. When He takes up residence in us He is our volitional fire as He gives us courage to do what servanthood demands. Would you describe yourself as an "on-fire" Christian? If you don't feel the fire within, what has extinguished it? What happened to the inner glow of joy, excitement and enthusiasm? The desire to be a fire-filled person is to live fully and enthusiastically for Christ. This desire prompts us to pray for the baptism of new fire everyday. All we do is to provide the kindling of our dry hearts longing to be aflamed again.
As King David considered his options, he realized that there could be no good resolution to the conflict. His son Absalom had rallied forces to take the throne of Israel away from him. David would lose his kingdom and his life or he would lose his son. Psalm 3 is the prayer that flowed from the anguish within him. Are you facing a situation that seems completely hopeless? Go to God. Even if you cannot see a constructive way out, He can and He knows exactly what is best for everyone involved. In Psalm 3:3-4 ", Lord , are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord , and He answers me from His holy mountain". Therefore, trust Him. He is your Shield and Defender - and if you obey Him, He will surely lead you to triumph!
Being in God's will does not exempt you from challenges. God doesn't promise a red carpet on your race track or a bed of roses on your battlefield. But God knows every step of your journey - where you have been and where you are going. He never intended you to figure out the steps without Him. He expects you to seek His guidance and obey His instructions. He said "I will instruct you ... in the way you should go... and watch over you."(Psalm 32:8). So, trust Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. He will set your path straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Matthew 28:20 "I'll be with you, as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age."  This was the comforting promise Jesus gave to His disciples when He sent them out to tell the good news of salvation.  This is God's promise to you as well. He knows that life can get lonely especially when you deal with personal issues that are difficult to share with others. You are not alone. God is right here for you - always caring for the deep issues of your heart.  This morning, pray to Him and allow Him to fill you with His comfort. He loves you and is with you to the end. Do you think that the only time God is pleased with you is when you are reading the Bible, attending church, praying or sharing your faith? No - He enjoys every details of your life - whether you are working, playing, resting or eating. Psalm 37:23 "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every details of their lives." Every human activity except sin can b...
Why does the psalmist tell the creation to praise God? Do the heavens have a voice?  Can the sun or moon declare God's glory? Yes. Consider the question this way: When you go to a gallery, do you commend the artwork or the painter? When you eat a delicious meal, do you extol the food or the expertise of the chef? Is it the overture or the composer that inspires your awe? Know this: The creation reflects the brillance of the Creator - it doesn't draw attention to itself. Psalm 148:13 "Let them all praise the name of the Lord. For His name is very great; His glory towers over the earth and heaven!" Do so this morning.
The situation looked desperate. The Babylonians were poised for attack and the prophet Jeremiah knew that if the Babylonians carried off all the people, the Promised Land would be lost. God assured Jeremiah that the land was safe because it was in His Hands. Impossible situations are God's specialty. Nothing is too difficult for God. You can have patience during times of difficulty knowing that all the obstacles in your path are nothing at all to God. Jeremiah 32:27 "I am the Lord, the God of all the people of the world. Is anything too hard for Me?"
"Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying "Allow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him..." (1 Samuel 16:22). If you are serious about finding and fulfilling your God-given destiny, you will notice that when the time is right and you are ready, God will send for you. He will open doors and give you favor with the right people. Who notices a shepherd boy tending a few sheep? God does! Your faithfulness in your present assignment is what qualifies you in God's eyes for your future one. So don't get discouraged or impatient - just stay faithful! God knows where to find you!
Consider how God wants us to regard the elderly. We must honor them by showing them respect (Leviticus 19:32). This is a commandment not an option. Failing to respect the elderly is failing to respect God; it forbears the divine, not the culture nor the tradition. So remember it and teach it to your children. We must also support them - financial and material assistance offered according to practical, Biblical guidelines (1 Timothy 5:1-6). Failing to do so means we have '...denied the faith'(v8). Supporting them also requires that we regularly talk to God about them and their needs. Have you been supporting the aged and including them as a vital part of your family?
When life hits you bad, read these words: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ... "  (Psalm 23:5-6). When does God cause your cup to overflow with blessing? When does He empower you to overcome? When does He demonstrate His goodness and mercy? In the presence of your enemies. So, you can thank God for your enemies because He has promised to bless you right there in front of them! Your enemies cannot stop God from blessing you. Look to Him to fight on your behalf!
If you are going through a difficult time, know that the odds and the opposition cannot stop God from blessing you. Struggling is proof that you haven't been conquered, that you refuse to surrender and that victory is still possible. As long as you keep walking with God and trusting Him, He will work on your behalf. He will send His Spirit to guide you, His Word to illuminate your mind and friends to strengthen you. Keep your heart open, keep listening to God, keep obeying Him and you will see that your problem is just a platform for Him 'to strengthen those whose heart are fully committed to Him' (2 Chronicles 16: 9).