What amazed me about Job is that he put his focus on God. He knew God. He knew that God desires the work of His own Hands (Job 14:15). Not only He knew God, He pleaded with God not to watch over his sins but to cover his iniquity (Job 14:16). How much do we know God? It is crucial that we walk with God and to talk with Him and know Him in our good times so that if anything happens, we can continue this intimate relationship with Him to draw comfort and strength in times of trouble.
Showing posts from September, 2014
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Sometimes you have amazing experiences with God. You get to hear His voice; you feel His love and then .... nothing! You can't hear or feel Him when you needed Him most. You turn to Him and He seems to have disappeared. You're left crying: "Where are you, God? I need you." Do not rely on your feelings. God promises: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5). When things get tough, He says: "When you pass through the waters ... they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned ..." (Isaiah 43:2). If you are feeling like God has deserted you, know for sure 'the Lord whom you seek, will suddenly come.' (Malachi 3:1)
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Why is it that at times God appears to be altogether quiet? Even though you are seeking Him wholeheartedly, why does it seem like He's gone completely silent? Friend, you desire to hear God and that's wonderful. However, there are times when His silence will do more to grow your faith than anything else. That's because you must continue to do as He desires and exercise your trust in Him without any outside encouragement. It is difficult but you can depend on His trustworthy and unchanging character and lean on His truth, love and grace. Take heart - He's still working on your behalf. And when you see how much He has done for you, it will speak volumes to your soul. Meditate Psalm 83.
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It's time this morning to praise God. Offer your praises to God for all your blessings, benefits and bounty. Take the opportunity to tell Him how much He does on your behalf means to you. Take what is in your heart and put in on your lips and tell God how great He is in your life. Declare it like Daniel: "Praise the name of God forever and ever ..." (Daniel 2:20). The magic words you learned as a child, THANK YOU, are just as important in your relationship with God as they are with others. When you give thanks to God, you acknowledge what wonderful gifts He has given you. The most significant prayer you will ever pray is just 2 words: "THANK YOU."
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Are you feeling insecured? Jeremiah 1:4-12 says: ...."Before I formed you in the womb I knew you ... Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you," says the Lord. Now, does the job you've been called to do seem too big for you? Perhaps, it seems to be if you are on your own but not when you include God! You're not working alone; God is with you. When God called you, He will equip, empower you and give you success. He did not make a mistake when He picked you. Do not say, "If only I had the education, talent and experience of so and so." If God wanted them, He would have chosen them but He chose you. Just be yourself, trust Him and everything will go well for you.
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God gave you your talent but it is your job to develop it. Your gift relates to something that excites you. God made you and He hardwired the desires of your heart. Knowing this will help you to understand why the things you find rewarding involve your innate talents and abilities. When we are doing what we are called to do, enthusiasm and excitement exude from us naturally. If you find it a struggle, then it may not be your nature .... generally life should not be a constant struggle. When you are fulfilling your purpose, one of the most noticeable results is how rewarding it feels to 'stir up the gift of God ... in you' by using your natural talents (2 Timothy 1:6).
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Sifting is the shaking of wheat until it separates. It means to be strained to the point until everything falls apart. While you may be sifted, it is amazing who is praying for you. Your intercessor is JESUS who defends you and walks with you daily. Can you imagine the power and insightfulness of Jesus'prayers? It is in the sifting that you experience the sacred because you receive Jesus' very thoughts concerning you. Instead of shaking apart, you become one with Him. Today, remember that Jesus is praying for you. Then your faith will not fail but will remain strong and hopeful in Him. You can make it through anything with Him as your Defender and Friend. Read Luke 22:31-32.
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God has given His Word to you for several reasons. When you study it, you not only gain insight into His ways, you also receive direction and encouragement. The psalms are excellent source of hope and comfort especially when you are battling intense trials. David faced many challenges in his lifetime but he always found the strength he needed to overcome by recalling God's goodness and promises to him. Have you learnt to do the same? When troubles come, do you turn to the Bible and ask the Lord to speak to you or do you rush to call a friend? The support of loved ones is essential but the love and guidance of an omnipotent God can never be replaced. Meditate on Psalm 84.
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In the time of Jesus, every Jewish house had a place for private devotion. It was a place where the door could be closed on distractions and interruptions. Such a place was often a small room built on a flat roof or a modest place raised above the rest of the house where people retired to nourish their souls in reality and certainty of God. You too can create such a place. It is wherever you can go to be with God in a way you are unable to go anywhere else. In that place, you can shut out anything that would take your place in your mind and heart. Then you can call to Him and He will answer you and show you great and marvelous things that you could not figure out on your own (Jeremiah 33:3). Also read Matthew 6:6.
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The earth is full of the glory of God - His absolute majesty inhabits every corner. Nothing you face today can change this truth. This may be a fallen world tainted by sin but soon one day God will return in power and might to reign. The Good News is that we are going to reign with Him! (Revelations 20:4-6; 22:5) He will restore all that has been broken. Every created thing is subject to His command because He is the Maker and King of all that exists. So, regardless of how disjointed life seems NOW, remember He is greater than all you fear. We can rest in His presence and the hope of His glory! His love to you is awesome. So, worship Him this morning in His sanctuary. Read Psalm 114.
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King Jehoshaphat realized that his nation did not stand a chance against his enemies. So he prayed, asking the Lord for instruction. God's instruction to him went against all conventional wisdom. Instead of fighting the enemies with swords and bows, the Israelites were to worship the Lord with singing - and they did. They praised Him as their enemies advanced. And miraculously, they won. Today, are you facing a challenge that seems overwhelming to you and you do not have the resources? Seek God's guidance. His instructions may not make sense but just obey Him. Do exactly what He says. He will triumph in the battle for you! Read 2 Chronicles:1 - 30
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Paul said, "... I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content." (Philippians 4:11). Paul learned not to let what he didn't have overshadow what he had. How do you find contentment? Contentment isn't something you find at a particular destination - it is something you practise everyday. You must learn to come to a place where you believe that having more materially won't make you happier. Sometimes contentment calls for simplifying your life. Cultivate the ability to say, "I have enough." Push back from life's table and say, "I've had enough.' To be content, focus on eternity. Let enough be enough. Let your lifestyle be biblically-based; make it eternally focused!
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When you know that what you're doing is in sync with God's will, you can be confident He will provide what you need and fight for you. God told His people, "When you go to war against your enemies and see .... an army greater than yours, DO NOT BE AFRAID of them, because the Lord your God .... will be with you." (Deuteronomy 20:1). Want to overcome your fears? Spend time in God's Word. Prioritise your prayer life. Get to know God better. Daniel 11:32 says "...the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits." The word 'know' means 'to be in relationship with, or to be intimate with.' Now put this into practise and you can live fearlessly.
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Paul told Timothy, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young." (1 Timothy 4:12). Evidently, certain people in the early church thought Timothy was too young and inexperienced to be in leadership. But Paul thought differently and so did God. Cecil G Osborne wrote, "A young child has no clear picture of himself ... A child who's told repeatedly that he is a bad boy, or is lazy or no good, or stupid or shy or clumsy will tend to act out this picture which the parent or some other authority figure has given him." Let God and God alone, tell you who you are and what you should do. Get His opinion, for in the end it's the only one that counts! Live the life for which God created you!
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When we talk about angels operating among us,some may think it is just religious sentiment. Why? Because they allow their intellect to neutralise their faith. Psalm 91:11 "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways?" And again in Hebrews 1:14 "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" Know this: God has not done away with His secret service. You may not be able to see them with your natural eyes but they are doing their job in protecting us in times of danger and helping us in times of need. Who knows you may even "have entertained angels without knowing it." (Hebrews 13:2)
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God told Joshua to be "strong and very courageous." (Joshua 1:7). Why? Because enemies were going to attack him and his own people were going to make endless demands on him. In circumstances like this, where to find courage? Psalm 27:1 gives us the boost: "The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?. The word 'stronghold' means you are held in the safety of God's strong arms. That means nothing can get to you, without first coming through Him. Victor Hugo said, "Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones. And when you have laboriously accomplished your daily tasks, go to sleep in peace. God is awake."
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From the Old Testament, we learnt that loans to the poor were to be interest-free, outstanding debts cancelled every 7 years and property that was sold or redeemed be returned to its original owner. Why? Because God wanted His people to depend on Him, not possessions. So, He cautioned them, "When ... all you have is multiplied ... You may say ... 'My power and ... strength ... have produced this' ... remember the Lord ...it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth ...' (Deuteronomy 8:13-18). God's principles have not changed. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). "Don't worry about these things ... your Heavenly Father knows ... and ... will give you everything you need" (Matthew 6:31-33).
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Paul wrote this: "Let us not grow weary while doing good: for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9) 'Due season' is when God knows the time is right, not when you think it is. God has set a time for accomplishing things in your life. So, learn to settle down and wait. God knows what you need, when you need it and how to get it to you. And what are you suppose to do while waiting? TRUST HIM! Psalm 31:14-15 exhorts: "I trust in You, O Lord ...'You are my God.' My times are in your Hand ..." When you learn to trust and wait on Him, you will eventually receive what you're waiting for. Again, wait with joy so that you will not live in frustration.
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Paul was a great writer than a great speaker. He said: " ... my message and my preaching were very plain ..." (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). He wrote the inspired word that enabled others to preach. When Paul was thrown in jail, he did not ask for a lawyer or a gourmet meal. He asked for paper so that he could keep on writing. In fact, Paul wrote all the way to the end of his life. And because he did, lives are still being changed today. What a legacy! All because of one man who discovered his calling and devoted himself to it. So, the question is: Have you discovered your calling and devoted yourself to it? Do you know what God has called you to do?
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Author Stormie Omartian grew up with a mentally ill mom whose behavior left her with hopelessness and deep emotional pain which expressed itself through self-destruction and fear. One day she felt led to pray, "Lord, give me a heart like Yours for my mom." Immediately, she had a vision of her mom as a beautiful, gifted woman with no resemblance to the person she knew. People are often the way they are because of how life shaped them and only God knows their history. To enjoy everything God has for you, PRAY A PRAYER OF REPENTANCE AND RELEASE and LET GO OF THE PAST! Only then can you move on....Read Psalm 51.
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Are you embarrased about your beginnings? Jeremiah was. When he told God that he was not the right age, God said, 'Don't say that!' When he complained he was not a good speaker, God said, 'Don't say that either!' When he saw the size of his opposition, his knees buckled but God said, "Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them .... Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall .... They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,"declares the Lord (Jeremiah 1:17-19). Know this: God did not promise just to be with Jeremiah - He's promised to be with you too!
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The road to success is cluttered with detours, challenges and disappointments. If you do not have the vision in mind, your dreams can die there. There may be days when the needle on your passion meter will be on empty. On those days you need to remember that God gave you your vision to begin with. So, go back to Him and ask for the strength to keep moving toward it. It is God who gives you the power to reap and to lead. Between your dream's inspiration and its manifestation, there is going to be a lot of perspiration. Now draw on God's grace and take one more step in the direction of what God has put you on this earth to do! Read Nehemiah 6.
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Paul recalled the times of how God had provided for him even when he worked as a tentmaker in order to support his own ministry. He could remember the whippings, the stonings and the betrayal at the hands of those he trusted. But listen to what he says about it: "Therefore, having obtained help from God, to this day I stand...." (Acts 26:22). Jeremiah felt the same way: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23). So, learn to trust Him. Recall God's faithfulness to you during the past and in the fullness of time, you will be able to testify like Paul and Jeremiah.
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God instructed Moses to teach the Israelites His Name - "I am who I am." The Hebrew language is different from modern languages because it does not have tenses, i.e. it does not indicate time. His name could be translated as "I Am Who I Have Been" or "I will Forever Be Who I Am Now." You can be comforted to know that His Name indicates a faithful, consistent and holy character. You can trust His Name to help you as He always help those who love Him. So, take heart today with the assurance that the God who faithfully provided for Moses will also provide for you today! You will never be disappointed. Read Psalm 52.
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In John 14:15, Jesus has said that if we love Him, we should obey what He commands. In Genesis 20:13, we read of Abraham stating to Sarah that to show her love to him, she needed to obey him. How true then that the expression or the fruit of our love for God is to OBEY Him with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength just as we are exorted as 1st Commandment to LOVE Him with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength. Read Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27 "God’s commands are designed to guide you to life’s very best. You will not obey Him, if you do not believe Him and trust Him. You cannot believe Him if you do not love Him. You cannot love Him unless you know Him - Henry Blackaby" Aren't we often like the invalid in John 5:1-15? We say we're done with some bad attitude but we continue to think the thoughts that cultivate it. We ask to be filled with His Spirit but are afraid what He will have us do. We love freedom but are comfortable captives. Jesus comes to us with the s...