
Showing posts from June, 2014
Worry and fear are the bane of human existence. Any number of events or circumstances can trigger them to cripple you. Worry and fear strike when you are far from God. They rise up and crash over you when you are not paying attention to what is important in life - your relationship with God. That 's when you need to stay focused. The more you pray, the closer you draw to God and the better you know Him. His presence surround you, dissolving your fears and worries. You can cope with whatever comes along because you know you are shored up and strengthened. You are a recipient of His bountiful grace. Meditate Psalm 62.
Storms come for a reason. Ask Job, Joseph, Daniel or Paul and you'll be acquainted with the word 'perseverance.' It's the tough times that true character is forged and the life of Christ is reproduced in us. Perseverance produces insight to see the character-developing hand of God in it. Without that, we may stumble and fall. With it, we survive and conquer and God is glorified. So, hang on there my friend and persevere because "troubles produces patience. And patience produces character." (Romans 5:3-4)
When the Philistine army slew 30,000 Israel's soldiers and carried away the Holy Ark of the Covenant, the Israelites despaired of ever getting it back. The Philistines were far too powerful - and the Israelites too discouraged. Now God is never without resources. Through a miraculous series of events, God convinced the Philistines to bring back the  Ark back to Israel. Israel learned firsthand that God had all the resources necessary to help them. Embrace this message. Whatever your need, God's provision is more than enough to help you.  He's in control - trust Him to turn everything around for you. Read Psalm 24.
N Sometimes the door will open only when you understand why it was shut in the first place. Consider the life of Hannah in 1 Samuel chaper 1. Hannah wanted a son but God wanted a prophet. Hannah's desperation led her to her destiny because the Lord closed her womb. Why? To get her attention, to draw her closer to Himself. Hard times cause us to re-examine our lives and seek God as never before. Our emphasis changes from 'Lord, here's what I want' to 'Lord, what do You want?' Then He blesses us because "... He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)
It was the same question every time: "Who did wrong?"If the man had been born blind, then someone's mistake must have caused it. Yet Jesus set the disciples straight. It happened so that God's power could be shown. You may be wondering today why something is happening to you. Though you have prayed, the problem continues. You may even wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" This has not happened because of some wrong you have done. Rather, it is because God wants to show His power in you. As with the blind man, He will open your eyes to His mighty power and you will see God. Read John 9.
In tough economic times, the difference between peace and panic depends on who you are trusting in. When you have done all you know, commit it to God and don't take it back. We live in a fear-filled world. If you read the head-lines and listen to the shocking news instead of God's Word, you will experience what Jesus described as 'men's hearts failing them for fear ...' (Luke 21:26). As a child of God, you live by His rules and His protection.  'In the year of drought, you shall spread your roots by the river ... andd will not cease from yielding fruit' (Jeremiah 17:7-8).  Read Psalm 1.
What do you remember from last Sunday's sermon? How come it is hard to remember, far less apply, what you have heard yesterday? Jesus says as soon as the seed of God's Word is sown in our hearts, satan comes immediately and takes it away so that the Word cannot take root and produce fruit in your life. Recognizing satan's strategies can stop you from falling into traps. So, stay alert! The devil is poised to pounce and would like to catch you napping. You cannot let down your guard for a second. But Jesus promised, "The Holy Spirit ... will teach you ... and bring to your remembrance all I have said to you" (John 14:26)
Charlotte Elliott, artist, singer and composer was a vivacious young woman. But when she was 30 years old, a devastating illness made her an invalid. She became very depressed. One day Caesar Milan, a well-known evangelist, told her to come to God just as she was. She responded and instantly placed her faith and illness in God's hands. She experienced tranquillity and bliss that day that lasted the rest of her life. To express her joy of coming to God, she wrote the great hymn "Just as I am." Friends, if you are going through a bad patch, come to God right now - just as you are. He will accept, receive and love you. Read Romans 13:11-14
"The Lord bless you, watch, guard and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and enlighten you and be gracious (kind, merciful and giving favor) to you." (Numbers 6:24-25). This benediction that God gave as a blessing to the Israelites is given to you this morning. May God bless your day by showing Himself to you and giving you a peaceful heart. His mercy and compassion are causes for praise. His approval and blessings are like nourishing spring filling you with joy. He cares for you, knows your deepest hopes and gives you tranquility in the midst of the raging storms. God is shining His light on your life. So, turn your face toward Him this morning and praise Him!
We all go through times of heartache and trouble. The question is: Are you prepared? You can be. God can protect you in times of loss, sickness, divorce, unemployment, loneliness and depression. You may not be able to predict life's storms or prevent them but you can prepare for them and be protected in them by knowing in whom and where your protection lies. The Bible says, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run to it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). Also, Proverbs 10:25 "... when a storm strikes ... God will keep safe all who obey Him." So, trust Him. He's the only storm shelter you'll ever need.
Can you imagine Moses' surprise when God talks to him from a burning bush? As doors shut without explanation, Paul is surprised by a man from Macedonia calling to him in a vision: "... come over here and help us." (Acts 16:9). Know this: Our God is a God of surprises who says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up: do you not perceive it?...." (Isaiah 43:19). The problem with us - we fail to recognize God at work! God has a plan and timetable for each one of us. 'Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.' (Proverbs 19:21). Even when your plans flounder, if your heart's right, God will still make things turn out for your good and for His glory.
Many of us as we go through troubles, we base our choices on unreliable authorities such as - CULTURE (everyone's doing it), TRADITION (we've always done it this way, REASON (it seems logical) and EMOTION (it just feels right). All these are flawed because they come from us, not God. What we need is a standard that will never lead us in the wrong direction and only God's Word rises to that standard. Solomon says: "Every Word of God is flawless." (Proverbs 30:5). So, trust and follow His Word - whether or not it makes sense to you or you feel like doing it. These words of Paul should become your rule-of-life: "I believe everything that ... is written in the Law and in the Prophets" (Acts 24:14)
Are you feeling discouraged or defeated? God has vowed never to leave your side and always at work on your behalf!  He knows your struggles and has promised to provide the wisdom, strength and the courage you need to stand firm in your faith. Therefore, hide His promises and principles in your heart so that you will have the hope you need for times of storm. No matter how strong the winds of adversity blow, the Word of God will guide you to safety. Whenever pressures build, God will help you to recall His wonderful promises so that you will not be tempted to give up. Read Psalm 119:50
A band of ruffians rose up against David and he was in trouble. The insurrectionists tried to assassinate him but the man whose heart resembled God's knew where to go. He went to God. He prayed. His prayer was made in the confidence that God would respond. When trouble comes to you, you can't tell trouble that your schedule is full. But God knows what to do when you have troubles and difficulties. He is on the job. When trouble comes to your life, you know where to go. You know whom to ask for help. Without enough power of your own, ask for the power of God! Read Matthew 11:29.
Jesus began His day in prayer. When you begin your day in prayer, you get it started in the right direction. You connect to God as a power source for your daily encounters and experiences. You take God with you into your relationships and transactions. Starting your day in prayer is the best way to have a good one. Jesus began His ministry at the Jordan with prayer and ended it on the Cross with prayer. Read Jeremiah 29:12-14 "You will call upon Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. And I will be found by you....." So, start developing your own prayer life!
Jesus began His day in prayer. When you begin your day in prayer, you get it started in the right direction. You connect to God as a power source for your daily encounters and experiences. You take God with you into your relationships and transactions. Starting your day in prayer is the best way to have a good one. Jesus began His ministry at the Jordan with prayer and ended it on the Cross with prayer. Read Jeremiah 29:12-14 "You will call upon Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. And I will be found by you....." So, start developing your own prayer life!
A recent survey of Christian families show that 1 in 10 fathers pray with their children and 1 in 25 fathers read the Bible to them. Many remembered being raised by godly moms while their fathers  were totally uninvolved with the family's spiritual life. Though mom is leading spiritually, God still holds Dad accountable to do it (Ephesians 6:4). Mom may take the kids to church, pray with them and teach them Biblical principles but children have a core need only a father can meet. Dad, God has appointed you His representative to your children's lives and there's no substitute for you. Model for them the life-shaping, loving character of their lovely Father!
God wants you to understand that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22,23) and that He will provide for you in miraculous ways as you travel through life. One way He does so is through the Bible which contains all the hope and wisdom you need for each day. Do not think that the Bible was written for someone else. It was written for you and the truth is just as powerful today as  when it was first penned. When God promises to love, provide for and guide you each day, He means it. His care for you never change. Allow the Word of God to uplift your spirit this morning. Read Psalm 105.
Many are experiencing the stress of pursuing perfection,  competing in the workplace, attempting to do it all and having no time for themselves. That's not what God wants you to live! "The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." (Isaiah 32:17-18). If you are feeling stressed today, pray: "Lord, I need to be renewed. This business of living has drained me. Thank You for ordaining quiet times and places of rest in the midst of hectic schedules. Help me always to put You first and to find my place of rest in You." In Jesus Name, Amen.
Can't sleep? Too distressed to pray? Is that the way it is in your life right now? If so, let go of what no longer works. These are trade-offs. For everything you gain, you have to give something up. The trouble is, we hate giving up. Let go of what doesn't work and focus on what God wants you to do. Trust Him and move forward. Recent events have us all on edge but as a child of God you can say "I can lie down and sleep because You Lord will keep me safe." (Psalm 4:8). Approach the future with confidence and live each day to the fullest! Isaiah 40:29 says that God " power to the faint and strengthens the powerless."
Can't sleep? Too distressed to pray? Is that the way it is in your life right now? If so, let go of what no longer works. These are trade-offs. For everything you gain, you have to give something up. The trouble is, we hate giving up. Let go of what doesn't work and focus on what God wants you to do. Trust Him and move forward. Recent events have us all on edge but as a child of God you can say "I can lie down and sleep because You Lord will keep me safe." (Psalm 4:8). Approach the future with confidence and live each day to the fullest! Isaiah 40:29 says that God " power to the faint and strengthens the powerless."
Having a relationship with Jesus does not mean you are free from all troubles. But it does mean that you can go to Him with confidence in times of trouble. While you must pay attention to your career and your family but most of all pay attention to your relationship with the Lord. ' "... we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him' (1 John 3:21-22). In your difficult moments, remember nothing is too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:27).  Your problem becomes an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His love and care for you!
Having a relationship with Jesus does not mean you are free from all troubles. But it does mean that you can go to Him with confidence in times of trouble. While you must pay attention to your career and your family but most of all pay attention to your relationship with the Lord. ' "... we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him' (1 John 3:21-22). In your difficult moments, remember nothing is too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:27).  Your problem becomes an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His love and care for you!
Having a relationship with Jesus does not mean you are free from all troubles. But it does mean that you can go to Him with confidence in times of trouble. While you must pay attention to your career and your family but most of all pay attention to your relationship with the Lord. ' "... we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him' (1 John 3:21-22). In your difficult moments, remember nothing is too hard for Him (Jeremiah 32:27).  Your problem becomes an opportunity for Him to demonstrate His love and care for you!
Samson lost everything for several reasons. For sure one of them was wilful disobedience. We read, ...“I have seen a Philistine woman in Timnah; now get her for me as my wife." (Judges 14:2) So, is this relationship taking you up or down? Samson went down and married a Philistine girl, breaking God's law. And even though she betrayed him, '...the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily and he  killed 35 of their men (Judges 14:19). Perhaps, Samson thought God would excuse him because he was 'special.' No! Proverbs 29:1 says "Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy." Repent before you run out of time!
Each life is a uniquely personal passage, a journey through time. As you travel through difficult places, you need not give in to hopelessness. God is able to bring you safely to your destination when you place your trust in Him. He knows the way through every dark and frightening valley. He knows the safest path along each high and treacherous mountain trail. God knows where the cool, refreshing waters flow and where you can find the provisions to meet each of your needs. He shares the weight of the burden you carry and He gives you hope and courage as you walk with Him, step by step, one day at a time. Read Psalm 16.
Think about what it means for God to love you. Think about God in heaven loving you enough to make you the unique and wonderful person you are. Think about God coming to earth in the Person of Jesus Christ so He could get close enough to love you even more. God's love for you is just plain wonderful, isn't it? Nothing can bring you greater joy than the conviction that God loves you. Don't lose sight of this truth. Inculcate it into your mind and heart everyday. The foundation of faith is God's love for you. Read Ephesians 2:4-7
You don't have to wait for an invitation to talk to God. You have had a standing invitation since the beginning of time.  Just as God made Himself available to Adam and Eve, so also He is avaliable to you. God is available when things aren't going well in your family. He is available when you are disappointed or hurt. God is ready to listen to your every word when someone you care about has let you down. Nothing is outside of God's ability and willingness to listen to you and to hear you. God's door is always open wide and He is always for you. Ephesians 3:12 ".... we have boldness of free access (an unreserved approach) to God with freedom and without fear."
We all know the story of Esau and Jacob in Genesis 25. Before we judge Esau too harshly, remember that the same human weaknesses reside in all of us. Haven't we made bad decisions when we were stressed, tired, bored, discouraged or lonely? Too often we jeopardised our birthright by ignoring it or just "don't bother". The enemy offers us some temporary pleasure, accomplishment or diversion in exchange for our future. Don't trade your God-given destiny for momentary gratification - be obedient and hold fast. When you do, God will eventually bring your dreams to pass and not diminish them.
When your heart grows cold toward God, it's usually reflected in a loss of spiritual vitality. And like Samson (in Judges 16:20),  you're not even aware of it. You dread praying. You're no longer a godly influence on those around you. You slip into old bad habits. You refuse to forgive. You're easily offended. You fail to make amends to those you've hurt. These are the 'little foxes' that destroy your vine and undermine your relationship with God. You need a spiritual overhaul. Now, ask God to highlight those attitudes, activities and relationships that need to be dealt with - then weed them out!
Sometimes we focus so much on the struggle, we forget that "goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" (Psalm 23:6).  We're familiar with Job's troubles but forgot that they were just a short season in an otherwise blessed life. The pain Joseph experienced in prison was eclipsed by the years of influence he enjoyed in the palace. Are you having trouble enjoying your blessings because you're afraid they won't last? It's time you stop worrying and start resting! God hasn't brought you this far to abandon you. He has "appointed you to produce fruit that will last" (John 15:16). Lasting joy and success - that's God's plan for you!
While we don't read about Jesus settling many disputes, we know that He built bridges by bringing peace and healing hurts. He did it through acts of love like: washing the feet of those who betrayed Him, eating with a despised tax collector, giving hope to a woman whom society had discarded. Words of peace are like seeds, they don't produce fruit overnight. But slowly and silently they work under the surface - changing hearts, minds and attitudes. So, why dont you try sowing seeds of peace today? Remember James 3:18 ".... plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness."
Psalm 91:15 says "I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him." Can you understand what God is saying to you this morning? So, look to Him in your storms, your battles and the reversals of your life. God promised He will nurse you when you're sick and soothe your pains and worries." as stated in Psalm 41:3. The disciples discovered Him in the biggest storm of their lives and John found Him in the holiest spot at the Isle of Patmos. Have you been lately saying, "I just can't see God in any of this?" Look again! The very point at which you begin to see Him is the very point at which the chains will break, the doors will open, the enemy will flee and your deliverance will begin!
Psalm 91:15 says "I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him." Can you understand what God is saying to you this morning? So, look to Him in your storms, your battles and the reversals of your life. God promised He will nurse you when you're sick and soothe your pains and worries." as stated in Psalm 41:3. The disciples discovered Him in the biggest storm of their lives and John found Him in the holiest spot at the Isle of Patmos. Have you been lately saying, "I just can't see God in any of this?" Look again! The very point at which you begin to see Him is the very point at which the chains will break, the doors will open, the enemy will flee and your deliverance will begin!